Interface IMessageBox

    • Method Detail

      • messageBox

        default void messageBox​(IMessageBoxReply reply,
                                int icon,
                                java.lang.String title,
                                java.lang.String message)
        Displays a message box with the specified title and message. The icon can be specified as Informational, Question, Error or None.
        reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
        icon - Icon to display, see the ICON_* values, e.g. ICON_INFORMATION.
        title - The title string, null for none.
        message - The message to display, must be non-null.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If message is null.
      • messageBox

        default void messageBox​(IMessageBoxReply reply,
                                int icon,
                                java.lang.String title,
                                java.lang.String message,
                                java.lang.String... buttons)
        Displays a message box with the specified title and message. The icon can be specified as Informational, Question, Error or None.
        reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
        icon - Icon to display, see the ICON_* values, e.g. ICON_INFORMATION.
        title - The title string, null for none.
        message - The message to display, must be non-null.
        buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If icon or message is null.
      • messageBox

        void messageBox​(IMessageBoxReply reply,
                        IMessageBox.Icon icon,
                        KString title,
                        KString message,
                        KString... buttons)
        Displays a message box with the specified title and message.
        reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
        icon - Icon to display, see the {link Icon} enumeration.
        title - The title string, must be non-null.
        message - The message to display, must be non-null.
        buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If icon or message is null, or if any of the elements in buttons array is null.