Interface IImageTarget

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorFontIconDefinition, EditorImageDefinition, EditorImageLocation, EditorStyledImageDefinition, EditorSVGDefinition, FontIconDefinition, ImageDefinition, ImageLocation, RuntimeImageDefinition, StyledImageDefinition, SVGDefinition

public interface IImageTarget extends IPropCnr
Interface implemented by Image properties that can be referenced.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getClientImageData

      ClientImageData getClientImageData()
      Gets the Client image data.
    • isImageTargetValid

      boolean isImageTargetValid()
      Checks if this target is valid.
    • getWidth

      default int getWidth()
      Gets the width of the BITMAP image.
      The width in pixels of Display Pixel Ratio (DPR) 1.0, zero for none (always zero for font icons and SVGs), -1 when image is unresolved.
    • getHeight

      default int getHeight()
      Gets the height of the BITMAP image.
      The height in pixels of Display Pixel Ratio (DPR) 1.0, zero for none (always zero for font icons and SVGs), -1 when image is unresolved.
    • isBitmap

      default boolean isBitmap()
      Checks if this is a bitmap image.
      true only if this is a resolved bitmap image.
    • isSingleBitmap

      default boolean isSingleBitmap()
      Checks if this is a single bitmap image.
      true only if this is a resolved single bitmap image.
    • isBitmapPart

      default boolean isBitmapPart()
      Checks if this is a bitmap image being part of a larger bitmap.
      true only if this is a resolved bitmap image being part of a larger bitmap.
    • isFontIcon

      default boolean isFontIcon()
      Checks if this is a font icon image.
      true only if this is a resolved font icon.
    • isSVG

      default boolean isSVG()
      Checks if this is an SVG image.
      true only if this is a resolved SVG image.
    • lookUp

      static IImageTarget lookUp(GProp<?> property, String reference)
      Static look-up of an image from a reference. A property attached to the property tree of any kind is required (the more "root" the faster).
      property - The property used as reference look-up.
      reference - The reference to look-up, null for none.
      The image, or null if not found (or none, or "property" is null).