Package com.iizix.event

package com.iizix.event
  • Class
    Event ID used to broadcast an event of asset file changes, send to all properties in a module project.
    Abstract class extending the base GEvent to set the event propagation to sinking, i.e.
    A listener interface that all events should extend.
    A class which implements efficient and thread-safe multicast event dispatching for generic events.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    Operations enumeration when sending the from the GProp.onEvent method.
    Interface for a post processing of events.
    The KString refactoring event that indicates that the KString has been refactored and needs updating the KStringProp property with a new KString.
    The operation enum.
    Event used to send to all children of an added container in a sinking non-bubbling form.
    Event used to send to all children of a moved container in a sinking non-bubbling form.
    The event that indicates that a property container name has been changed.
    The post processor implementation.
    The event that indicates that a property name has been changed.
    The event that indicates that a property attribute has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
    Event indicating a property container has had a property added or removed.
    The focus event send to the property receiving losing and focus, its listeners and the parents respectively.
    Event indicating a property has been copied from one parent to a new one.
    Event indicating a property has been disposed of.
    The event that indicates that a property error attribute has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
    The focus event send to the property receiving losing and focus, its listeners and the parents respectively.
    The event that indicates that a property container has been moved to another container.
    The event that indicates that a property name has been changed.
    Event indicating a property container has had its children properties reordered.
    The event that indicates that a property has been set for the first time or when it has been changed.
    Event indicating a refresh is required of a certain type, e.g.
    The refresh types.
    A remote event is used to communicate between end-points property instances.
    Event used to resolve references in a broadcast event sent to all properties from the root container.
    Abstract class extending the base GEvent to set the event propagation to sinking, i.e.
    Event ID used to resolve VSRelativeReferences in a broadcast event sent to all children of the container that has a VSReference instance.