Class SelectionEnabler


public class SelectionEnabler extends Object
The enabler class processes selection changes from handlers, viewers, etc, and sets the state of the commands accordingly.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • isHandled

      public boolean isHandled
      The current states.
    • canCut

      public boolean canCut
      The current states.
    • canCopy

      public boolean canCopy
      The current states.
    • canPaste

      public boolean canPaste
      The current states.
    • canPasteBefore

      public boolean canPasteBefore
      The current states.
    • canPasteAfter

      public boolean canPasteAfter
      The current states.
    • canDelete

      public boolean canDelete
      The current states.
    • canRename

      public boolean canRename
      The current states.
    • canOpen

      public boolean canOpen
      The current states.
    • canMove

      public boolean canMove
      The current states.
    • isNonModuleProject

      public boolean isNonModuleProject
      The current states.
    • containsModuleRoot

      public boolean containsModuleRoot
      The current states.
    • containsModuleFolder

      public boolean containsModuleFolder
      The current states.
    • targets

      public ArrayList<DesignerProp> targets
      The currently selected properties as a DesignerProp list, never null.
    • props

      public GProp<?>[] props
      The currently selected properties as a property array, never null.
    • target

      public DesignerProp target
      The single designer property target, null when multiple are defined.
  • Constructor Details

    • SelectionEnabler

      public SelectionEnabler()
      Creates an instance with all disabled.
    • SelectionEnabler

      public SelectionEnabler(IWorkbenchPart part, IStructuredSelection selection)
      Creates an instance for a selection synthesizing all other instanced, used for the Common Navigator and the Common Actions.
    • SelectionEnabler

      public SelectionEnabler(Shell shell, IWorkbenchPart part, ISelectionEnablerHandler selectionEnablerHandler, IPropUndoRedo undoRedo, IUndoContext undoContext, IStructuredSelection selection)
      shell - The shell, null for none present.
      part - The workbench part, null if none is present.
      selectionEnablerHandler - The selection enabler handler, null not to use the handler.
      undoRedo - The undo/redo instance, may be null.
      undoContext - The undo context, null for workspace common undo context.
      selection - The selection.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static SelectionEnabler get(Object evaluationContext)
      Gets the SelectionEnabler instance from an evaluation context. An attempt to use a cached context is done. If not possible, get a new one.
    • getSelection

      public IStructuredSelection getSelection()
      Gets the selection.
      The selection or null for failure.
    • update

      public void update(IStructuredSelection selection)
      Updates the selection.
    • setUndoContext

      public void setUndoContext(IUndoContext undoContext)
      Sets the undo context.
    • getUndoContext

      public IUndoContext getUndoContext()
      Gets the undo context.
    • getWorkbenchPart

      public IWorkbenchPart getWorkbenchPart()
      Gets the workbench part.
    • invalidate

      public void invalidate()
      Invalidates this selection enabler, e.g. when clipboard has been changed, or selection, and the requirement to call update is needed.