Interface IPropEditorExtenderProvider<EDITOR extends BaseEditor<PROP,VALUE>,PROP extends GProp<VALUE>,VALUE>

All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorLetsEncryptDomain, EditorRuntimeBuilderProps, EditorWebServerPortConfig

public interface IPropEditorExtenderProvider<EDITOR extends BaseEditor<PROP,VALUE>,PROP extends GProp<VALUE>,VALUE>
Interface to implement on a PropCnr instance used to provide extensions in iiziGo and its property editors.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getEditorExtender

      IPropEditorExtender<EDITOR,PROP,VALUE> getEditorExtender(EDITOR editor, Atom atom)
      Gets the extension for a property editor.
      editor - The requesting editor.
      atom - The property atom being edited.
      The extender, or null for none.