Package com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist

package com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist
  • Class
    Interface used to listen to invocation of the action button.
    Interface used to listen to invocation of the item arrow action.
    The listener for checkbox list items.
    The minimum content provider interface for MList.
    The content provider interface for MList that includes API functions to add and remove items.
    Icon provider interface for list items connections to a VS table use the default content provider where its icon methods are not overridden.
    The listener for radio button list items.
    The listener for switch list items.
    The checkbox list item class.
    ComboBox is a value field that will show a overlay widget to select its value from.
    The mobile list item content provider for the mobile list component.
    Date/time input in form of a pop-up to input a date and/or time in various forms.
    The property container for default mobile list items.
    The mobile list item group contains mobile list items placed inserted into a list that comes from a VirtualSpace table or by means of the API.
    Layout manager for mobile list groups.
    Mobile list item UI component.
    The layout data for all mobile list components or containers, i.e.
    Layout manager for all mobile lists.
    The list item for the mobile list.
    The property container for mobile list items.
    The mobile list item types.
    The radio button list item class.
    The simple list item class.
    Slider is a component that accepts any user input (sliding selection on a numeric value).
    Spinner is a value field that will show a drop-down widget to select its value from.
    The switch list item class.
    Text entry is a text box that accepts any user input, with the additional specification of text type to show a special keyboard (e.g.