Class TerminalSessionManager

  • public class TerminalSessionManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    The terminal session manager is a server environment instance running for a server that keeps track of the terminal sessions for all active sessions in that server environment.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • TerminalSessionManager

        public TerminalSessionManager()
        Creates a new instance of the session manager.
    • Method Detail

      • assignSessions

        public void assignSessions​(SessionsProp sessionsProp)
        Assigns the cloned sessions property.
        sessionsProp - The configured sessions properties.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If already assigned.
      • isDisposed

        public boolean isDisposed()
        Checks if the instance has been disposed of.
        true if disposed.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes of the instance. When called, all remaining app sessions are disposed of. Normally this should already have been done by the server.
      • onApplicationSessionStarted

        public void onApplicationSessionStarted​(AppSessionGyro appGyro)
        Called when an application is instantiated and started by a user session.
        appGyro - The session started.
      • onApplicationSessionStopped

        public void onApplicationSessionStopped​(AppSessionGyro appGyro)
        Called when an application session is stopped.
        appGyro - The session stopped.
      • onAppSessionEndPoint

        public void onAppSessionEndPoint​(EndPointPropCnr cnr,
                                         AppSessionGyro appGyro)
        Called when a new end point property container is added for a server monitor instance. This is delegated to the plug-ins in the application's server environment in order to enable them to add information for the application session.
        cnr - The container for the end point.
        appGyro - The application session gyro of the end point.