Class BinaryTrace

  • public class BinaryTrace
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is used to trace binary data to an output stream.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Summary

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf, int length) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf, int length, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf, int startingPosition, int length) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, byte[] buf, int startingPosition, int length, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String[] headers) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf, int length) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf, int length, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf, int startingPosition, int length) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String header, byte[] buf, int startingPosition, int length, boolean isEBCDIC) 
      static voiddump​(SessionInfo si, java.lang.String mainHeading, java.lang.String[] headers) 
      static voiderrPrint​(java.lang.String text)
      Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.
      static voiderrPrintln​(java.lang.String text)
      Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.
      static longgetMaximumFileSize()
      Gets the maximum file size of a trace file.
      static java.lang.StringgetThousandFormattedNumber​(int nn)
      Gets a thousand-formatted positive number.
      static java.lang.StringgetThousandFormattedNumber​(long nn)
      Gets a thousand-formatted positive number.
      static longgetTraceFileLength()
      Gets the current trace file length.
      static java.lang.StringgetTraceFileName()
      The current trace file name.
      static voidprint​(java.lang.String text)
      Prints a line of text to the screen even if redirection is present.
      static voidprintln​(java.lang.String text)
      Prints a line of text to the screen even if redirection is present.
      static booleanrotateTraceFiles()
      Changes the trace files.
      static booleansetMaximumFileSize​(long size)
      Sets the maximum file size of a trace file.
      static voidsetScreenOutputRedirection​(boolean redirect)
      Redirects stdout and stderr to trace file, or restores the original settings.
      static voidsetTraceFileName​(java.lang.String fn)
      Sets the trace file name.
      static voidsetTraceFileName​(java.lang.String fn, boolean doAppend)
      Sets the trace file name.
      static voidsetupTraceFileNames​(java.lang.String fn1, java.lang.String fn2)
      Sets up the two file names used when rotating trace files.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • BinaryTrace

        public BinaryTrace()
    • Method Detail

      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int startingPosition,
                                int length,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int startingPosition,
                                int length,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int length,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int length,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf,
                                boolean isEBCDIC)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int startingPosition,
                                int length)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int startingPosition,
                                int length)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int length)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf,
                                int length)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header,
                                byte[] buf)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                byte[] buf)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String header)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String[] headers)
      • dump

        public static void dump​(SessionInfo si,
                                java.lang.String mainHeading,
                                java.lang.String[] headers)
      • setupTraceFileNames

        public static void setupTraceFileNames​(java.lang.String fn1,
                                               java.lang.String fn2)
        Sets up the two file names used when rotating trace files. Note that this method doesn't check if the file names are identical, it is assumed that they aren't.

        Note: No assignment of file name for tracing is done at this point, call setTraceFileName in order to perform this.

      • setTraceFileName

        public static void setTraceFileName​(java.lang.String fn)
        Sets the trace file name. If file name is null, the standard output System.out will be used.
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs.
      • setTraceFileName

        public static void setTraceFileName​(java.lang.String fn,
                                            boolean doAppend)
        Sets the trace file name. If file name is null, the standard output System.out will be used.
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs.
      • getTraceFileName

        public static java.lang.String getTraceFileName()
        The current trace file name.
        null if no trace file has been set.
      • getTraceFileLength

        public static long getTraceFileLength()
        Gets the current trace file length.
        -1 if no file is used.
      • rotateTraceFiles

        public static boolean rotateTraceFiles()
        Changes the trace files.
        false for failure, true for success.
      • setMaximumFileSize

        public static boolean setMaximumFileSize​(long size)
        Sets the maximum file size of a trace file. If set to zero, no limit is used.
        true successful, false for invalid size (100 KB minimum [102400]).
      • getMaximumFileSize

        public static long getMaximumFileSize()
        Gets the maximum file size of a trace file. If set to zero, no limit is used.
      • getThousandFormattedNumber

        public static java.lang.String getThousandFormattedNumber​(int nn)
        Gets a thousand-formatted positive number.
      • getThousandFormattedNumber

        public static java.lang.String getThousandFormattedNumber​(long nn)
        Gets a thousand-formatted positive number.
      • setScreenOutputRedirection

        public static void setScreenOutputRedirection​(boolean redirect)
        Redirects stdout and stderr to trace file, or restores the original settings. The output, if redirected, is placed in the trace files.
      • print

        public static void print​(java.lang.String text)
        Prints a line of text to the screen even if redirection is present.
      • println

        public static void println​(java.lang.String text)
        Prints a line of text to the screen even if redirection is present.
      • errPrint

        public static void errPrint​(java.lang.String text)
        Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.
      • errPrintln

        public static void errPrintln​(java.lang.String text)
        Prints a line of text to stderr even if redirection is present.