Class VSReference

    • Constructor Detail

      • VSReference

        public VSReference()
        Creates a VirtualSpace Reference property with no name and with a null value.
      • VSReference

        public VSReference​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates a VirtualSpace Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
      • VSReference

        public VSReference​(Atom propertyAtom,
                           java.lang.String newValue)
        Creates a VirtualSpace Reference property with the specified name and value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
        newValue - the new string value for the property.
    • Method Detail

      • isPropPrivateAtCreation

        protected final boolean isPropPrivateAtCreation()
        Called upon creation of the property to check it's private state. This is used by properties that are not distributed to the remote party.
        isPropPrivateAtCreation in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        true, always.
      • onVirtualized

        protected void onVirtualized​(IAppSessionGyro appGyro,
                                     IClientSessionGyro clientGyro,
                                     VirtualSpace virtualSpace,
                                     PropCnr virtualizedProp,
                                     GProp<?> clonedProp)
        Called when this property has been virtualized.

        Override to perform required processing.

        onVirtualized in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        appGyro - The application gyro instance performing the virtualization.
        clientGyro - The client gyro session, can be null if not initialized from the client gyro.
        virtualSpace - The virtualized VirtualSpace.
        virtualizedProp - The property being virtualized.
        clonedProp - The property that is cloned to produce this virtualized property.
      • getFixedTarget

        protected VirtualSpace getFixedTarget()
        Support for a fixed reference.

        Override to provide the support.

        getFixedTarget in class AbstractReference<VirtualSpace>
        The fixed reference to return in cases the target reference is needed, and also serves as a verification if a new reference should be created or not. Returning null causes normal behavior (default).
      • clearFixedTarget

        protected void clearFixedTarget()
        Called to clear the fixed reference in case the reference is changed. This will revert back to normal processing.

        The "clone" method does not change to be overridden to clear the fixed target as this method is called during cloning.

        This method is called prior to calling "initializeReferenceClone()" during cloning.

        Override to provide the support. It is important to also implement this method along with "getFixedTarget".

        clearFixedTarget in class AbstractReference<VirtualSpace>
      • getVSComponent

        public VSComponent getVSComponent​(VSRelativeReference<?> relRef)
        Gets a VirtualSpace component from a relative reference.
        relRef - The relative reference.
        A property container of VSField, VSTable, VSColumnHeader, VSRow instance, or null if not found.
      • getVSComponent

        public VSComponent getVSComponent​(java.lang.String rel)
        Gets a VirtualSpace component from a relative reference.
        rel - The relative reference.
        A property container of VSField, VSTable, VSColumnHeader, VSRow instance, or null if not found.
      • getVirtualSpace

        public VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
        Gets the VirtualSpace for this reference.

        The method first attempts to use the resolved mechanism of getting the VirtualSpace. If this has failed or has not been resolved yet, the property tree will be used to search for it. The latter is, of course, slower.

        The VirtualSpace instance, or null if not found.
      • getNonVirtualizedVirtualSpace

        public VirtualSpace getNonVirtualizedVirtualSpace()
        Gets the non-virtualized VirtualSpace instance.
        The non-virtualized VirtualSpace instance if reference is found.