Class AbstractReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr>

    • Field Detail

      • ERROR_ID

        public static final java.lang.String ERROR_ID
        The ID of the property error.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String QUICK_FIX_DELETE_PROP
        Quick-fix ID for delete property, defined in "com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.DeleteProperty".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • reference

        protected PropReference reference
        The instance of the property reference.
      • hasBeenValidated

        protected boolean hasBeenValidated
        Validation completed flag.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractReference

        protected AbstractReference()
        Creates a Abstract Reference property with no name and with a null value.
      • AbstractReference

        protected AbstractReference​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates a Abstract Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
      • AbstractReference

        protected AbstractReference​(Atom propertyAtom,
                                    java.lang.String newValue)
        Creates a Abstract Reference property with the specified name and value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
        newValue - the new string value for the property.
    • Method Detail

      • doPostResolve

        protected boolean doPostResolve()
        Returns if resolving of this reference should be done in post- (true) or pre-stage (false).
        false by default, i.e. always in first pre-stage.
      • getFixedTarget

        protected TARGET getFixedTarget()
        Support for a fixed reference.

        Override to provide the support.

        The fixed reference to return in cases the target reference is needed, and also serves as a verification if a new reference should be created or not. Returning null causes normal behavior (default).
      • clearFixedTarget

        protected void clearFixedTarget()
        Called to clear the fixed reference in case the reference is changed. This will revert back to normal processing.

        The "clone" method does not change to be overridden to clear the fixed target as this method is called during cloning.

        This method is called prior to calling "initializeReferenceClone()" during cloning.

        Override to provide the support. It is important to also implement this method along with "getFixedTarget".

      • getReferenceString

        public ReferenceString getReferenceString()
        Gets the reference string.
      • setPropValue

        public boolean setPropValue​(java.lang.String newValue)
                             throws PropValidateException
        Sets a new value for this property. If any listener is present and the value has changed compare to the last value, the listener is informed.
        newValue - the new value.
        boolean true for value has changed, false for same value as current value.
        PropValidateException - When the constraints are not met.
      • validatePropType

        public void validatePropType​(java.lang.Object newValue)
                              throws PropTypeException
        Validates that the value to set is of ReferenceString instance.

        Note: When this method is called, synchronization is done at the property itself, so no synchronization on the tree should be done.

        Specified by:
        validatePropType in interface IGProp<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
        Specified by:
        validatePropType in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        newValue - The new value to set.
        PropTypeException - when the new value isn't of the correct class.
      • getValueClasses

        public java.lang.Class<?>[] getValueClasses()
        Gets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue, in order of importance. Note that loss of precision in data if e.g. an Float property accepts a Double. However, the setPropertyValue throws IllegalArgumentException if the range in invalid, e.g. conversion of a Integer to a Byte, and the value is not -127 to 128.
        Specified by:
        getValueClasses in interface IGProp<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
        Specified by:
        getValueClasses in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        The array of Java classes that can be accepted in the setPropertyValue method. The first type is the "native" or most preferred type. The array is at least one item in length and never null.
      • appendPropValue

        protected void appendPropValue​(PropMgr propertyManager,
                                       SendTransaction trans,
                                       java.lang.Object value)
        Appends the string property value. If uninitialized, an empty string is appended.
        Specified by:
        appendPropValue in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        propertyManager - the property manager instance.
        trans - transaction to append the properties to.
        value - the value to append to the transaction, a reference to the current property value.
      • getReference

        public java.lang.String getReference()
        Gets the reference string.
        The reference string or null if not set.
      • getPropValue0

        protected java.lang.Object getPropValue0​(java.lang.Object value,
                                                 int index)
                                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Gets the property value in another class form than the "native" one. This method tries conversion of a "native" property value into another class type. This method is used when filling in a POJO variable (Plain Old Java Object Field) from a "native" property value.
        Specified by:
        getPropValue0 in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        value - The property value.
        index - The index in the Class array returned by getValueClasses().
        The property value in the requested class, after conversion.
        java.lang.Exception - Other exceptions that could occur.
      • toNativeValue0

        protected java.lang.Object toNativeValue0​(java.lang.Object value,
                                                  int index)
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Tries conversion of possibly accepted properties values using the setPropertyValue method into the most preferred property value type. If the input value already is of the preferred type, the same object is returned.
        Specified by:
        toNativeValue0 in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        value - The input value to convert to native value.
        index - The index in the array returned by getValueClasses(), or -1 if not found.
        The converted input value in the preferred property value object type.
        java.lang.Exception - For conversion exceptions.
      • disposeReference

        protected void disposeReference()
        Disposes of the reference and possible cached target.
      • onReferenceDisposed

        protected void onReferenceDisposed()
        Called when the reference is disposed of.
      • initializeReferenceClone

        protected void initializeReferenceClone()
        Initializes the new clone for references. Default processing is to clear the reference instance. The instance is created at a later stage when a the property is somehow attached to a valid property root.
      • equalValues

        protected java.lang.Object equalValues​(GProp<?> compareTo,
                                               ReferenceString thisValue,
                                               ReferenceString compareValue,
                                               int how)
        Checks for property value equality. The object is of the correct type for the respective property type. The Atoms and other properties such as Private/Extends has already been checked for equality or correctness.
        equalValues in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        compareTo - The comparing-to property that contains the value.
        thisValue - This property value (for synchronization reasons).
        compareValue - Another property value.
        how - Flags EQC_* values for equal checking.
        The property not being equal, null for equal (both values null).
      • equalsErrors

        protected boolean equalsErrors​(PropError pe1,
                                       PropError pe2,
                                       int how)
        Processes error property verification. The default processing is to verify the two error properties pe1 and pe2 for equality if includeErrors is 0 or 1, and returns true if the value is 2=no comparison with error properties.

        Override to verify property errors for reference properties.

        equalsErrors in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        pe1 - The first error property, may be null.
        pe2 - The second error property, may be null.
        how - Flags EQC_* values for equal checking.
        Equality flag depending on includeErrors value.
      • getPropertyClass

        public abstract java.lang.Class<?> getPropertyClass()
        Gets the class wanted.
      • getReferences

        public int getReferences​(java.util.List<Reference> references)
        Gets the references of this property top others. This method is typically used in the Designer to search for circular references during verification.
        Specified by:
        getReferences in interface IGProp<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
        getReferences in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        references - The references array is filled in by this method.
        The count of references added.
      • onEventSelf

        public void onEventSelf​(GEvent event)
        Called when a property event is send to this property.

        A subclass can override this method to perform appropriate processing and is not required to call super.onEventSelf(e).

        Specified by:
        onEventSelf in interface IGProp<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
        onEventSelf in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        event - The property event.
      • onReferenceEvent

        protected void onReferenceEvent​(ResolveReferencesEvent event)
        Called to perform reference resolving. A property should override this method if it needs to perform reference resolving and validation.

        Subclasses override this method and only subclasses extending PropCnr needs to call super.onReferenceEvent(ResolveReferenceEvent event).

        onReferenceEvent in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        event - The resolve references event.
      • onProjectNameChanged

        protected void onProjectNameChanged​(ProjectNameEvent event)
        Called when a project name has been changed.
        event - The project name event.
      • createUpdateReference

        protected void createUpdateReference​(PropReference ref,
                                             boolean doReCheck,
                                             GEvent event)
        Resolves or creates the reference.
      • updateReference

        protected void updateReference​(GEvent event)
        Called to establish a new reference after name change or parent-hood.
      • getLookupPropReference

        protected java.lang.String getLookupPropReference​(ReferenceString name)
        Creates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString. Override this method for e.g. Base or Fixed Relative referencing.
        name - The reference name.
        The property reference string to look-up.
      • setLookedUpReference

        protected java.lang.String setLookedUpReference​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the reference found that also has been validated. This method gives the opportunity for a subclass to remove e.g. the Base or Fixed Relative reference from the string start.
        name - The full reference.
        The reference to set in this property as ReferenceString.
      • checkCreateReference

        protected void checkCreateReference​(GEvent event)
        Checks for tree to be valid in order to create the reference. If OK and reference is not created, this will be done.

        Otherwise a validation is just performed.

      • onPropParentChanged

        protected void onPropParentChanged​(PropCnr oldParent,
                                           PropCnr newParent)
        Called when parent changed.
        onPropParentChanged in class GProp<ReferenceString>
        oldParent - The old parent (or null if none).
        newParent - The new parent (or null if none).
      • clearError

        protected void clearError()
        Clears the property error.
      • assignNotFoundError

        protected void assignNotFoundError​(PropReference ref)
        Assigns not found error.
      • assignError

        protected void assignError​(java.lang.String err)
        Assigns a property error message of ERROR severity with DeleteProperty quick-fix.
      • onReferenceEvent

        public void onReferenceEvent​(PropReference ref,
                                     IPropReference.ReferenceChangeEvent event,
                                     GEvent triggerEvent)
        Called when a property reference event occurs. The events are ReferenceChangeEvent.FOUND, FOUND_WRONG_CLASS, RENAMED, MOVED, NEW_PROPERTY, BROKEN.
        Specified by:
        onReferenceEvent in interface IPropReference
        ref - The property reference object.
        event - The event.
        triggerEvent - The event that triggered this reference event, null for none.
      • changeReference

        protected void changeReference​(java.lang.String oldName,
                                       java.lang.String newName,
                                       PropReference ref)
        Called to update a reference from an old name to a new name. This will set the new property value as well as to perform required refactoring operations.
        oldName - The old name.
        newName - The new name.
        ref - The current reference instance.
      • onRefactored

        protected void onRefactored​(java.lang.String oldName,
                                    java.lang.String newName)
        Called when the property is refactored. This method is called after rename of properties have been done. Override to process.
        oldName - The old name.
        newName - The new name.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Checks if the resolving of the reference is valid with the automatic resolving mechanism. Attempt to resolve again is always done depending on the doResolve flag.
      • wouldValidate

        public java.lang.String wouldValidate​(GProp<?> anyPropertyInTree)
        Checks if the reference would be valid if this property is attached to a root property.
        anyPropertyInTree - Any property attached to a root.
        null if it would validate, otherwise the error reason.
      • getTargetReference

        public TARGET getTargetReference()
        Gets the target reference also trying to resolve the reference, i.e. using automatic resolving mechanism.
        The target reference instance, or null if not found.
      • getTargetReference

        public TARGET getTargetReference​(GProp<?> anyPropertyInTree)
        Gets the target reference also trying to resolve the reference, i.e. using automatic resolving mechanism.
        The target reference instance, or null if not found.
      • informResolved

        protected void informResolved()
        Called when the property has been resolved. Subclasses override this method to implement some behavior. The default implementation performs nothing, i.e. there is no need to call super.informResolved().
      • informError

        protected void informError()
        Called when the property has an error. Subclasses override this method to implement some behavior. The default implementation performs nothing, i.e. there is no need to call super.informError().
      • informClearError

        protected void informClearError()
        Called when the property has been cleared from error. Subclasses override this method to implement some behavior. The default implementation performs nothing, i.e. there is no need to call super.informClearError().
      • validateReferenceScope

        protected java.lang.String validateReferenceScope​(TARGET target)
        Called when the a property container has been renamed or moved in order to perform validation of the reference, e.g. if a base property has been moved out of scope. The implementor can assign or clear property errors by returning the error string.
        target - Target reference to validate the scope of, i.e. the referenced property.
        The error message, or null for valid. Default implementation returns null.
      • getReferenceDescription

        public abstract java.lang.String getReferenceDescription()
        Gets a short description of this reference, e.g. "VirtualSpace" or "Label For".
        Specified by:
        getReferenceDescription in interface IPropReference
        The reference description string.
      • isReferenceValid

        public abstract boolean isReferenceValid​(GProp<?> property)
        Validates the property reference that has been looked up.
        Specified by:
        isReferenceValid in interface IPropReference
        property - The property to validate.
        true if valid, false otherwise.