Class AbsoluteData

    • Field Detail

      • MOVE_SIZE_X

        public static final java.lang.String MOVE_SIZE_X
        Attribute of property to move-size. Move = 1, Size = 2, nothing = 0 or undefined.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MOVE_SIZE_Y

        public static final java.lang.String MOVE_SIZE_Y
        Attribute of property to move-size. Move = 1, Size = 2, nothing = 0 or undefined.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbsoluteData

        public AbsoluteData()
        Creates a AbsoluteData container without name and with a null value.
      • AbsoluteData

        public AbsoluteData​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates a AbsoluteData container with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
      • AbsoluteData

        public AbsoluteData​(Atom propertyAtom,
                            GProp<?>[] properties)
                     throws PropException
        Creates a AbsoluteData container with the specified name and properties.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
        properties - the property array value for the property.
        PropException - as structural changes in containers on client is prohibited.
    • Method Detail

      • getMoveSizeX

        public int getMoveSizeX()
        Gets the move-size setting in X.
        0 = nothing, 1 = move, 2 = size.
      • getMoveSizeY

        public int getMoveSizeY()
        Gets the move-size setting in Y.
        0 = nothing, 1 = move, 2 = size.
      • setMoveSize

        public boolean setMoveSize​(boolean isX,
                                   int v,
                                   IComplexOperation op)
        Sets the horizontal (X) or vertical (Y) move or size attributed to the component.
        isX - If it's X or Y, i.e. horizontally or vertically.
        v - The new move/size attribute: 0 for nothing, 1 for move, 2 for size. If the value is not 0 to 2, nothing will be performed.
        op - The complex operation interface for undo/redo operations, null for none.
        true for success, false for nothing done.
      • canSetPosition

        public boolean canSetPosition()
        Verifies if the component position can be set.
        canSetPosition in class LayoutProp
        true if the X/Y positions can be set.
      • setPosition

        public boolean setPosition​(GUnit x,
                                   GUnit y,
                                   IComplexOperation op)
        Assigns the composite X and/or Y position.
        setPosition in class LayoutProp
        x - The X position to set, null for no change.
        y - The Y position to set, null for no change.
        op - The complex operation interface for undo/redo operations, null for none.
        true for success, false for failure (i.e. unsupported operation).
      • canSetWidth

        public boolean canSetWidth()
        Verifies if the component width can be set.
        canSetWidth in class LayoutProp
        true if the width can be set.
      • canSetHeight

        public boolean canSetHeight()
        Verifies if the component height can be set.
        canSetHeight in class LayoutProp
        true if the height can be set.
      • setSize

        public boolean setSize​(GUnit width,
                               GUnit height,
                               IComplexOperation op)
        Assigns the component width and/or height.
        setSize in class LayoutProp
        width - The width to set, null for no change.
        height - The height to set, null for no change.
        op - The complex operation interface for undo/redo operations, null for none.
        true for success, false for failure (i.e. unsupported operation). true is also returned for partial success, i.e. component can set width but not height and both values were to be set.