Interface IComplexOperation

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IComplexOperation
    Interface for the complex operation located in the Designer.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • setPropValue

        void setPropValue​(GProp<?> gp,
                          java.lang.Object newValue)
        Sets a property value.
      • addProp

        void addProp​(PropCnr pc,
                     GProp<?> gp)
        Adds a property.
      • insertProp

        void insertProp​(PropCnr pc,
                        GProp<?> gp,
                        int index)
        Inserts a property.
      • removeProp

        void removeProp​(GProp<?> gp)
        Removes a property.
      • renameProp

        void renameProp​(GProp<?> gp,
                        Atom newName)
        Renames a property.
      • setPropError

        void setPropError​(GProp<?> gp,
                          PropError pe)
        Sets all errors in a property.
      • removePropError

        void removePropError​(GProp<?> gp,
                             java.lang.String errorID)
        Removes a property error.
      • moveProp

        void moveProp​(GProp<?> gp,
                      PropCnr toContainer,
                      Atom newName,
                      int toIndex)
        Moves a property to another container.
      • reorderProps

        void reorderProps​(PropCnr pc,
                          Atom[] order)
        Reorder a property container.
      • hasPerformedAnOperation

        boolean hasPerformedAnOperation()
        Checks if an operation has been performed successfully or if it's an empty operation for undo.
      • setPropValue

        static void setPropValue​(IComplexOperation op,
                                 IGProp<?> gp,
                                 java.lang.Object newValue)
        Sets a property value.
      • removePropError

        static void removePropError​(IComplexOperation op,
                                    IGProp<?> gp,
                                    java.lang.String errorID)
        Removes a property error.