Interface IContentData<ITEM extends IContentItem>

    • Method Detail

      • refreshFromVS

        void refreshFromVS​(int[] columns)
        Refreshes contents from VirtualSpace.
        columns - The connected table columns indicies, -1 for none.
      • getVSRow

        VSRow getVSRow()
        Gets the associated VSRow for this item.
        The row, or null if not associated with VirtualSpace.
      • getItemProp

        ITEM getItemProp()
        Returns the property that was used to update this data content.
        The property, or null if none is assigned.
      • initialize

        void initialize​(ITEM item)
        Initializes the item property from the content data.
        item - The item.
      • isSelected

        boolean isSelected()
        Gets the selection state of the item.
        The selected state.
      • setSelection

        java.lang.String setSelection​(boolean on)
        Sets the selection state of an item.
        on - The new selection state.
        null for success, otherwise an error message why the selection failed.
      • setSelectionInternal

        java.lang.String setSelectionInternal​(boolean on)
        Internal method to sets the selection state of an item. This method is not intended to be called as it is used by the framework and will not cause a callback or event notification of selection changes.
        on - The new selection state.
        null for success, empty string for no change, otherwise an error message why the selection failed.
      • addMappings

        void addMappings​(VSMappings mappings,
                         java.lang.String uiRef,
                         ITEM item)
        Adds the mappings of a VirtualSpace to the panel components.

        The default is to find the relative references to VS and add those references. Override to provide other functionality.

        mappings - The mappings instance to fill in.
        uiRef - The reference.
        item - The item property.