Release Notes
The following are the release notes for IIZI versions in reverse chronological order.
Updating iiziGo to the latest version is easiest done using Eclipse -> Help -> Check for Updates.
This will check for updates of Eclipse, Java JustJ runtime and IIZI using the P2 repository
along with potential libraries or Eclipse plug-in dependencies.
Version 4.2.1 – September 2024
As of 11th of September 2024, the IIZI version is based on
Eclipse 2024-09 GA (4.33),
OpenJDK 22.0.2 (Eclipse Temurin - JustJ), and
Jetty 12.0.13.
The minimum Java version is 21 LTS to run IIZI.
The IIZI Designer comes bundled with Tabnine:
AI-powered chat and code completion for 80+ languages and frameworks including Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Go, and more...
IIZI version 4 is updated to the Jakarta EE 10 framework (jakarta.*)
using Jetty 12 webserver. Support for Jakarta EE 9 and 8 is planned, but not supported in
the first releases of version 4. IIZI uses "Virtual Threads" in Java 21, but can be turned off by defining the parameter "iizi.virtualthreads=false"
using e.g. command line option "-Diizi.virtualthreads=false".
Eclipse Jetty provides a highly scalable and memory-efficient web server and servlet container, supporting many protocols such
as HTTP/3,2,1 and WebSocket. Furthermore, the project offers integrations with many other technologies, such as OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS, etc.
Version 4 is in a beta stage and comes for Windows (64-bit), macOS (Intel + Apple Silicon) and Linux (x86_64 and AArch64).
All external library dependencies are updated to the latest available versions.
Version 3.3.0 – March 2023
Deprecated: use version 4.
IIZI version 3 is updated to the Jakarta EE 9 framework (jakarta.*) from the previous Java EE 7+
using the javax.* packages used in IIZI versions 1.x and 2.x.
IIZI version 3 also works under Windows 11 latest developer previews.
Version 3.3 is in Milestone 1 stage and will come for Linux (x86_64 and AArch64), macOS (Intel + Apple Silicon) and Windows (64-bit).
This version is currently based on Eclipse 2023-03 (M3) with OpenJDK 19.0.2 (Temurin).
All external library dependencies are updated to the latest available versions.
Version 3.2.0 – December 2022
Deprecated: use version 4.
Version 3.2 is in Milestone 2 stage and will come for Linux (x86_64 and AArch64), macOS (Intel + Apple Silicon) and Windows (64-bit).
This version is currently based on Eclipse 2022-12 with OpenJDK 19.0.1 (Temurin).
All external library dependencies are updated to the latest available versions.
Version 3.1 – November 2022
Version 3.1 is not actively supported and should only be used for development purposes.
Version 3.0 – October 2022
Version 3.0 is still in Beta and should only be used for development purposes.
- News
- New IIZI look based on a green/magenta themes (users/developers).
- Windows 11 support.
- Microsoft Edge is default browser in Windows (if present, typically for Windows 11 or late Windows 10 updates).
- Added support for Java 19.
- Added drop-shadow filter to component/container styles (not supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11).
- Added Enabled property for image component using actions or focus (no difference in rendering).
- Added preview support for HTTP/3.
- Java 17 or better is required.
- New Console colors, also for dark mode.
- Redirection of "stdout" and "stderr" in iiziGo handled with different color than INFO and SEVERE respectively.
- Changes
- Integrated with Eclipse 2022-09.
- Updated Dojo Toolkit for JS from 1.16.1 to 1.17.2.
- Updated to Jetty 11.0.12 with HTTP/3 support (preview only).
- Updated Java Development Kit to OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-11.0.15+10.
- Updated several core library versions.
- Support for Microsoft Edge as the WebView internal browser instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
- Default VS value type for DateTime is now set to LocalDateTime (previously Double).
- Updated MySQL JDBC driver to 8.0.30.
- Fixes
- Creation of Advanced IIZI Project did not display available data connectors.
You had to go into the Project Properties and configure them afterwards.
- Working on @VSRef and @UIRef annotations not being required
in method calls, i.e. type casting to (@VSRef String) "something" or
(@UIRef String) "something"
- MSIE 11 cache not attempted to be cleared if not default browser.
- DateTime component dialog box did not handle the enabled state of the OK button properly
when changing types.
- DateTime component "crashed" in JS for unknown NLS.
- Correction for bug using MSEdge and tooltip onSize() method not being registered as a BrowserFunction.
- Tooltips background color wrong background color for certain properties, or sometimes very short flash with white background when tooltip is displayed.
- VirtualSpace components tooltips were not display resolution adapted for scaling.
- Properties errors listed in tooltips were not display resolution adapted for scaling.
- Tooltips displaying SVG file type assets shows only a part of the image.
- Removed all warnings, corrected Java-SE17 as Java environment, rebuilt all app Jars for CarPooling, CarRental, Pokemon, ServerAdmin, Demo and SignIn.
- Attempted to correct IIZI Selectors in CarRental: if they work, we'll apply them to the other projects.
The CarRental displayed the Desktop UI on iPad Pro 12.9 instead of Tablet UI.
Version – 30 September 2021
- Fix
- The Selectors that are created e.g. using Quick Start project are now corrected.
- Change
- Updated to Eclipse 2021-09 version 4.21.
Version – 23 August 2021
- Fix
- Timestamp signature algorithm not compatible with Eclipse 4.19 or earlier made installation
of IIZI impossible from the Eclipse marketplace into Eclipse versions prior to 4.20.
This error is also shown if updating iiziGo from an earlier version using Check for Updates.
- Change
- Optimized look-up of compiled Java for IIZI references.
Version – 22 August 2021
- Fix
- Problem in IIZI Java annotation processor causes project Java compilation error marker with the text
MethodXXX 'someMethod' has the annotation '@someAnnotation' but is missing a back-reference
to the Method Reference: it should refer back to 'someValue', i.e. '@OnSomeEvent(annotationRef = "someReference")'
even when this back reference is present. The message, when error exists in project, is also changed
from 'MethodXXX...' to 'Method...'.
- Changes
- Removed iiziGo Save Participant for Eclipse, no longer required.
- Updated device-detector to version 1.0.10-iizi.
Version – 18 August 2021
- News
- Added Selector "device" testers.
- dev-isBrowser - Browser based device
- dev-isCarBrowser - Car based Browser device
- dev-isDesktop - Desktop system device
- dev-isFeaturePhone - Feature Phone device
- dev-isMobile - Mobile device
- dev-isMobileApp - Mobile App device
- dev-isNotebook - Notebook device
- dev-isPhablet - Phablet device (phone/tablet device)
- dev-isPIM - PIM device (Personal Information Manager device)
- dev-isSmartDisplay - Smart Display device
- dev-isSmartphone - Smartphone device
- dev-isSmartSpeaker - Smart Speaker device
- dev-isTablet - Tablet device
- dev-isTouchEnabled - Touch Enabled device
- dev-isTV - TV device
- dev-usesMobileBrowser - Device uses a mobile browser
- Changes
- Update Java Development Kit to OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-11.0.12+7.
- Updated org.apache.commons:commons-pool2 to 2.11.0.
- Updated slf4j-api to 2.0.0-alpha4.
- Updated to v20210808.
Version – 27 July 2021
- News
- New Panel Editor Actions available in the Context Menu of the UI Component Tree
and in the Panel Designer, along with new Tooltips:
- Show in container changing to the pane containing selected item
in the component tree for swap container(s) recursively.
- Show actions related to VirtualSpace:
- panel's VirtualSpace,
- state and focus in VS,
- focus VS component, and
- VS action/field/table/table column.
- Go to Java source code (also working recursively upwards in the UI component tree):
- the VirtualSpace connected class,
- onVS-methods indirectly connected through the VS component or the VirtualSpace,
- the panel's Java class, and
- the panel/components onUI-methods.
- New VirtualSpace Editor Actions available in the VS Component Tree context menu
to go to the Java class and all the onVS-methods along with new Tooltips:
- the VirtualSpace onVS-methods and class, and
- the selected VS components onVS-methods.
- The VirtualSpace Editor now shows the Connections to UI components if any
exists in the Action, Field, Table or Table column Connections pane.
- Added new iiziServer environment variable "iizi.jetty-debug" that can be "true" or "false"
in order to specifically set debug level for the Jetty loggers.
- Screen output redirection (stdout and stderr) to the IIZI logger with INFO or SEVERE
log level.
- Enhancements
- Optimized Java code making it faster and smaller using lambda coding, enhanced for-loops,
and more, where possible.
- SLF4J implementation for IIZI logger to catch logging output from Jetty, Let's Encrypt and
other frameworks (e.g. CSS parser).
- Changes
- Updated IIZI logo and color to orange.
- Apache commons-io updated to version 2.11.0.
- Apache commons-compress updated to version 2.21.0.
- Netty updated to version 4.1.66.
- OSHI core updated to version 5.8.0.
- Zstd native library updated to version 1.5.0-4.
- Fixes
- Panel Editor: actions for absolute layout move/size component settings could throw an exception.
- Panel Editor: changing panes using mouse in UI designer causes mouse cursor and mouse movements
to halt until e.g. 2nd mouse button is pressed.
Version – 16 July 2021
- Changes
- Fix
- KString regression: conversion not always correct to plain strings.
Version – 12 July 2021
- Additions
- Jakarta Activation versions 2.0.1 replaces javax.activation version 1.2.0.
- Jakarta Annotation API versions 2.0.0 replaces javax.annotation version 1.3.0.
- Jakarta Mail versions 2.0.1 replaces javax.mail version 1.6.2.
- Jakarta Servlet API versions 5.0.0 replaces javax.servlet version 3.1.
- Jakarta Transaction API version 2.0.0.
- Jakarta WebSocket API (server and client) versions 2.0.0.
- Changes
- Eclipse IDE base updated to 2021-06 version 4.20.
- Jetty updated to version 11.0.6.
- Apache commons-io updated to version 2.10.0.
- Apache commons-pool2 updated to version 2.10.0.
- updated to version 2.8.7.
- Firebase Admin updated to version 8.0.0.
- Google Closure Compiler updated to v20210601.
- OSHI core updated to version 5.7.4.
- SLF4J updated to version 2.0.0-alpha2.
- Other Jars also updated to match the above list.
- Enhancements
- The KString class that handles HTML in IIZI string and its utilities are optimized and
are now faster and use less memory and produces less garbage collection.
- Fixes
- Regression: administrator's password policy checking failed.
- Removal
- All Java EE library Jars using javax.* such as Java Mail, Activation, Servlet API, Transaction, WebSocket API.
Version – 01 June 2021
The IIZI Versions 1.x are all using the previous Java EE framework javax.*.
- Changes
- Added LanguageMatch methods getMapLowerCase() and getSimpleMapLowerCase().
- Fixes
- Corrected NPE at KString.isEmpty() that could occur for Plain KString's.
- Corrected transaction problem between iiziServer and JavaScript client (iiziApp) causing the client to get an exception.
- Corrected CIDProp so that value never can be null, a cause for the transaction problem described above.
- Text tables always used a case sensitive Language Code when looking up matching localized text table.
- LanguageMatch.getDescription(languageCode) always used a case sensitive Language Code.
Version – 31 May 2021
- Additions
- Added Microsoft identity platform as authentication provider (test case and implementation),
with optional "tenant" specification ("common" multiplexed version used otherwise).
- Added getting configured and initiated OAuth authentication providers from AppFactory.
- Added support to define any UI container as a HTML "form" with autocomplete attribute (on/off).
- Added support for CSS text-decoration-thickness for most browsers (except Internet Explorer).
- Added new PropCnr and IPropCnr getProp(index,clazz) and getProp(index,clazz,logError) methods.
- Added new method in MailSender to create mail with defaults (Sender, Reply To, CC's and BCC's),
and retrieval methods of these default values. The defaults are configured for the mail service in the server.
- Changes
- Added "details" and getInputStream() methods to UserProfileInfo.
- Redesign of panels in iiziLogin.
- Added support for raw InputStream to ProfilePictureInfo in case the URL only can be loaded using OAuth.
- Fixes
- Spaces in iiziGo for parameters where not quoted when launching the iiziServer configuration (project name, database directory, classpath).
- Quoted values on the command line of the iiziServer were not properly parsed resulting in e.g. invalid file names.
- Fixed SignIn Java code for new authentication API.
- Attempted fix of image resizing when scaling of image is used to fit inside, both SVG and IMG.
- Corrected NPE occuring at start of iizGo or iiziServer laucnhed from iiziGo, too early stage with Let's Encrypt certificates renewal.
Minor problem as the certificates are renewed at a later stage.
- Corrected CSS so that images (bitmaps and SVGs) are centered on lines in buttons and labels (label and output text components).
- iiziGo: StackOverflowException in Action handlers, e.g. when refactoring a VSField name (rename) - very difficult to reproduce.
- iiziGo: corrected flexbox items could not use formulas or percentage units.
- iiziGo: NPE at very early startup, e.g. for verifying ServerSettings.
- Removal
- Removed SOAP and XML (for REST web services).
- Projects WSDL4J and XSOM removed.
- Commented/cleaned up code and icons for SOAP/XML removal.
- Removed dependency Jars in
Version – 18 May 2021
- News
- Added sign in authentication providers: LinkedIn, Facebook, Google and Twitter.
- Added (Java + JS) and then commented out drop-shadow filter support (in JS) as it doesn't work in MSIE 11.
- Added string localization LocaleString system-wide for the System app.
- Added lots of new methods to com.iizix.user.UserInfoBase.
- Added new error messages to LoginResult.
- Added LocaleString support for PasswordPolicy, exceptions.
- Added IUserAuthenticationUI and implementation in server, get instance from AppFactory.
- Added [I]AppSessionGyro getKStringInfoProvider method like [I]ClientSessionGyro used by [I]LocaleString.
- Documented new LocaleString text IDs.
- Changes
- Moved textShadow and boxShadow directories into shadow (where also drop-shadow is).
- Updated ScribeJava version Jars.
- Changed UserProfileInfo, added profile image support.
- Fixes
- Copying e.g. a check box with keeps the same internal component ID, thus causing errors with duplicate ID's in HTML.
- Corrected test cases for authentication providers LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google.
- Fixed up a lot of getUser(..) with returning null, changed to throw NotFoundException and sometimes also SQLException.
- Corrected OAuth 1.0a for Twitter in OAuthEngine and AbstractOAuthService.
- Fixed scopes for OAuth 2.0 authentication providers.
- Truncated precision for alpha component or opacity i GColor to max 3 decimals for CSS.
- Corrected JavaDoc for verify(..) method where there were duplicate parameters.
Version – 05 May 2021
- News
- Conscrypt and HTTP/2 are now used by default for Jetty Web Server if not specified otherwise in environment variables
(iizi.conscrypt or iizi.http2, set to true or false).
- iiziRun: upcoming version 2.0.0 is now in Alpha 2 and has Push Notification support.
- iiziGo: Faster loading of projects, order of loading folders changed causing faster reference resolving.
- iiziGo: Error markers now created for errors in folder settings.
- iiziGo: delay for reference validation and error markers changes now increased from 500ms to 1s.
- Utilities.COLLATOR static final variable is now a Collator for the default locale.
- Modified public boolean verify(PropVerification verification) from void to boolean as return code.
- Fixes
- Regression: CORS missing in HTTP headers where applicable, iiziRun failed to connect to server in another domain.
- Corrected Mobile Combobox that had a reference to invalid izrPrompt variable.
- Verification of containers wrong for containers that allows to not have children e.g. the Heading container.
- Corrected verification of CheckBox: now checks value for null along with VSField's Allow null value.
- iiziGo: possibility to force usage of Microsoft Edge (edge), Chromium (chromium), WebKit (webkit) or
default (default) as internal browser using Java property -Dcom.iizi.browser=name in iiziGo.ini,
default browser in Windows is Internet Explorer 11.
- Method StringMapProp.getStringMapAsStringArray was incorrectly spelled as getStrinMapAsStringArray.
- ServerAdmin corrected for StringMapProp.getStringMapAsStringArray.
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