Interface IScreenDesigner

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IScreenDesigner
The screen designer interface hooks the paint and mouse functions.
  • Method Details

    • setTerminalWindow

      void setTerminalWindow(TerminalWindow window)
      Sets the TerminalWindow at creation.
    • paint

      void paint(Graphics2D g, int leftMargin, int topMargin, int cxFont, int cyFont, int cxFontReal, int cyFontReal, int cxScreen, int cyScreen, Rectangle clipRect)
      Paints the Graphics once the screen is drawn, before the cursor.
    • isCursorPresent

      boolean isCursorPresent()
      Cursor present (and blinking)?
    • isHotSpotEnabled

      boolean isHotSpotEnabled()
      Check for hotspot enabled.
    • getMarkingConstraints

      Rectangle getMarkingConstraints()
      Gets the rectangle marking constraints. This is used for pop-up windows.
      null If no constrains are present.
    • onDoubleClick

      void onDoubleClick(int x, int y)
      Marks the host field.