Class OpenBrowserIIZI

All Implemented Interfaces:
IHandler, IHandler2

public class OpenBrowserIIZI extends AbstractHandler
Opens the browser to the iiziGo localhost:portnumber or to iiziServer localhost:portnumber.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenBrowserIIZI

      public OpenBrowserIIZI()
      Eclipse default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException
      Opens the browser to the iiziGo localhost:portnumber or to iiziServer localhost:portnumber. The event command ID contains ".iiziServer" for iiziServer or ".iiziGo" for iiziGo. If the Id ends with "ext" (i.e. not "int" = internal), then the browser will be opened externally, otherwise internally.
      event - The execution event.
      ExecutionException - If the browser ViewPart failed to open.