Package com.iizix.server.prop

package com.iizix.server.prop
  • Class
    Helper class for allowed domains.
    Interface for send transaction.
    Interface implemented by the principal plug-in properties to provide information for a Server configuration of the application.
    Interface for the Server Application Setup Property Containers used to initialize the application at load time and the application instances.
    Interface implemented by the principal plug-in properties to provide information for a Server configuration of the application.
    Class used to listen to a property container and to send events when required.
    Property container for the configuration of an App of the iiziServer.
    The Server Application Setup exception.
    This configuration environment defines the configuration setup for the available plug-ins.
    The ServerConfigEnvReference property class hold the reference to a Server configuration environment.
    Property container for the configuration of a plug-in for a Server configuration environment.
    This server property is a container that holds everything a client/server needs in order to establish communication with the other party, and information about themselves (such as environment).
    This property is a container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
    Property container for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.