Package com.iizix.api.vs

package com.iizix.api.vs
  • Class
    Annotation for a name space reference.
    Interface that must be implemented by a Java Action Actor used when a VirtualSpace Action is fired.
    An interface used for advanced processing of focus mappings when the standard engines cannot be used.
    Annotation for tagging classes that are Java Action Actors.
    Support for multiple definitions of the JavaActionActorAnnotation POJO class tag.
    Annotation used to define a Java Action Actor parameter that will be provided in the settings property at runtime.
    Type of parameter.
    Support for multiple definitions of the JavaActorParam POJO class tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Action events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSAction POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Change events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSChange POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Create events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the VirtualSpace OnVSCreate POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Destroy events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the VirtualSpace OnVSDestroy POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Field events, i.e.
    Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSField POJO method tag.
    Support for multiple definitions of the OnVSFieldStatic POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Field events, i.e.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Focus events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSFocus POJO method tag.
    Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace State events.
    Support for multiple definitions of the VS OnVSState POJO method tag.
    Tags a POJO as being an VirtualSpace class with event listeners.
    The VirtualSpace Action Event.
    VSBaseEvent<VSCOMP extends IVSComponent>
    Base event for all VirtualSpace events in the API.
    Base event for all VirtualSpace events in the API.
    The VirtualSpace Change Event is fired when the VirtualSpace components is changed, after successful or unsuccessful validation.
    The VirtualSpace itself or its component Create Event.
    The VirtualSpace itself or its component Destroy Event.
    The VirtualSpace Field Value Event is a multi-purpose event that is used for validation and conversion of a value type between two native types, e.g.
    Category for message.
    The Virtual Field Event Operations.
    The VirtualSpace Focus Event is fired when the VirtualSpace focus changes for a component.
    Annotation for VS references.
    The VirtualSpace State Event is fired when the VirtualSpace state changes for a component, or when connected to the VirtualSpace, for every child item in it.