Package com.iizix.prop
Class SSLCommProps
- All Implemented Interfaces:
This property container contains all properties required for a SSL Socket (NIO) connection.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Fields inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates the socket property container without a name.SSLCommProps
(Atom propertyAtom) Creates the socket property container with the specified name.Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionclone()
Clones the settings.createClientSSLEngine
(String serverDescription) Creates a Client SSL Engine for the NIO socket communication initialized with these parameters.Gets the callback assigned to the properties.boolean
Gets Client Certificates using the JRE deployment information.Gets the Client Certificate description.getClientCertificateKeyManagers
(String serverDescription, char[] password, ICertificateUI callback) Gets the keystore for the Client Certificate.boolean
Gets server authentication globally.boolean
Gets server authentication using callback interfacecom.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI
.Gets the Server Authentication certificates.boolean
Gets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.boolean
Gets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.boolean
Checks if the password is saved for the Client Certificate.static void
Resets the accepted or rejected certificates.void
(ICertificateUI callback) Assigns the callback interface to this instance of the properties.void
(String fileName, char[] password, boolean doSavePassword) Sets or removed the Client Certificate.void
(boolean on) Sets Client Certificates using the JRE deployment information.void
(String hostName) Assigns the Host Name once a session has been established with a socket.void
(boolean on) Sets server authentication globally.void
(boolean on) Sets server authentication using callback interfacecom.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI
(X509Certificate[] certificates) Sets or removes server authentication using the specified certificates.void
(boolean on) Sets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.void
(boolean on) Sets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.boolean
Checks a Client Certificate is used.Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
__transferChildProps, addPredefinedProps, addProp, addProp, addProp2, addProp2, appendPropValue, canRequestFocus, completeVirtualize, containsProp, containsProp, convertLoadedProp, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, createCopyOfAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createVSReference, doPropEqualsArrayValues, enablePropCommunication, enablePropHashMap, equalsTree, equalsTree, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getBool, getBool, getBool, getBool, getChildPropError, getChildPropError, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getErrorsProp, getExtendsContainer, getExtendsError, getExtendsName, getExtendsOverride, getExtendsPossibleClasses, getFirstProp, getFirstProp, getFocusEngine, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLong, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getPossibleChildren, getPredefinedProps, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getPropBaseReference, getPropCnr, getPropCount, getPropCount, getPropIndex, getPropIndex, getPropIndexes, getProps, getProps, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue0, getRetargetedVerifyContainer, getString, getString, getString, getString, getValueClasses, getVSReference, hasFocus, hasSendData, initializeElement, initializeExtendsFramework, initializeProp, initializeValue, initPropCnr, insertProp, insertProp2, isChild, isExtendsOverriden, isExtendsPropertyValid, isExtendsRoot, isPropAddRemoveAllowed, isPropCommunicating, isPropExtended, isSibling, list, list, logPropNotFound, maybeAddProp, onInsertProp, onPropDispose, onPropRemoved, onPropTreeInitialized, onReferenceEvent, onVirtualContainerCreated, onVirtualizationCompleted, paramString, prepare, removeAllProps, removeAllProps2, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, reorderProps, replaceProps, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusEx, requestFocusEx, resolveReferences, resolveRuntimeReferences, setBool, setBool, setBool, setBool, setCreateRequiredProp, setExtendsName, setExtendsOverride, setInt, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setLong, setLong, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setProp, setProp, setProp, setProp2, setProp2, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setString, setString, setString, setString, shouldCreateProps, shouldSerializeToXML, toElementString, toNativeValue0, usePropHashMap, usesPropIndex, validateChildPropInValue, validateClassInstances, validatePropType, validatePropValue, verify, verifyInternalUseOnly, verifyTree, virtualize
Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
addPropError, addPropListener, convertPropError, dispose, equals, equals, equalsErrors, equalsObj, equalsPropValue, equalValues, extendsClone, finalize, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAliasName, getAppSessionGyro, getAppWorker, getAtomPath, getAttribute, getChildReferencePropName, getClientSessionGyro, getClientWorker, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getFullPropNameDebug, getListeners, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getProjectName, getPropAtom, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErroredName, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropReferenceTarget, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValueObject, getReferencePropName, getReferencePropNameNoAssert, getRelativePropName, getRootFromName, getRootName, getRootParent, getRootParentNoAssert, getTreeLock, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropForEditor, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropPrivateAtCreation, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropRootLoading, isPropRootTreeModificationsAllowed, isPropUSER, isPropValueTreeLockNeeded, isPropVirtualized, isPropVirtualizing, isPropVolatile, isPropVolatileOrEditorOnly, isProxied, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, modifyPropValue, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onEventSelf, onPrepare, onPropInvalidateCache, onPropParentChanged, onPropValueSet, onRemoteEvent, paramString, paramValue, post, post, removePropError, removePropListener, removePropUSER, renameProp, renameProp2, resetChangedTree, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPrivateCreateRequiredProp, setPropError, setPropErroredName, setPropExtended, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropForEditor, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropUSER, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValueIncognito, setPropVolatile, severe, severe, severe, shouldSerializeToXML, throwIfReadOnly, toNativeValue, toString, toString, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
addPropError, addPropListener, dispose, equals, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAppSessionGyro, getAtomPath, getClientSessionGyro, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getPropAtom, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getReferencePropName, getRelativePropName, getRootParent, getTreeLock, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropVirtualized, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onEventSelf, onRemoteEvent, removePropError, removePropListener, renameProp, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPropError, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropValue, setPropValue, severe, severe, severe, toNativeValue, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
canRequestFocus, canRequestFocus, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized
Constructor Details
public SSLCommProps()Creates the socket property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using thesetPropertyAtom
Creates the socket property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".- Parameters:
- the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
Method Details
public static void resetServerCertificates()Resets the accepted or rejected certificates.clone
Clones the settings.setStrongCipher
public void setStrongCipher(boolean on) Sets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.- Parameters:
- The enablement flag.
public boolean getStrongCipher()Gets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.- Returns:
- true if enabled, false if disabled.
public void setServerAuthentication(boolean on) Sets server authentication globally. If off, all servers are accepted.- Parameters:
- The enablement flag.
public boolean getServerAuthentication()Gets server authentication globally. If off, all servers are accepted.- Returns:
- true if enabled, false if disabled.
public void setServerAuthenticationCallback(boolean on) Sets server authentication using callback interfacecom.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI
.- Parameters:
- The enablement flag.
public boolean getServerAuthenticationCallback()Gets server authentication using callback interfacecom.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI
.- Returns:
- true if enabled, false if disabled.
public void setServerAuthenticationDeploymentInfo(boolean on) Sets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.- Parameters:
- The enablement flag.
public boolean getServerAuthenticationDeploymentInfo()Gets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.- Returns:
- true if enabled, false if disabled.
public void setServerAuthenticationCertificates(X509Certificate[] certificates) throws PropException, CertificateException Sets or removes server authentication using the specified certificates.- Parameters:
- The certificates to accept, or null to remove certificate verification.- Throws:
- If the property cannot be removed, set or added.CertificateEncodingException
- If an encoding error occurs.CertificateException
Gets the Server Authentication certificates.- Returns:
- The array of server certificates (could be empty), or null if this authentication is disabled.
- Throws:
- If no Provider supports a CertificateFactorySpi implementation for the specified type when creating the Certificate Factory, or when the certificate is initialized from the data.
public void setClientCertificateDeploymentInfo(boolean on) Sets Client Certificates using the JRE deployment information.- Parameters:
- The enablement flag.
public boolean getClientCertificateDeploymentInfo()Gets Client Certificates using the JRE deployment information.- Returns:
- true if enabled, false if disabled.
public void setClientCertificate(String fileName, char[] password, boolean doSavePassword) throws PropException, FileNotFoundException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException, UnrecoverableKeyException Sets or removed the Client Certificate.- Parameters:
- The file name of the PKCS#12 file, DER encoded, null to remove client certificate.password
- The password, or null for none.doSavePassword
- Flag to save the password. The password is saved "garbled" but not safe for "de-garbling", use with care.- Throws:
- If the property cannot be removed, set or added.FileNotFoundException
- If the file is not found.NoSuchAlgorithmException
- If the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found.CertificateException
- If any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded.IOException
- If there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException.UnrecoverableKeyException
- If the key cannot be recovered (e.g. the given password is wrong).KeyStoreException
public boolean useClientCertificate()Checks a Client Certificate is used.getClientCertificateDescription
Gets the Client Certificate description.- Returns:
- null if none is present, otherwise the string.
public boolean hasSavedClientCertificatePassword()Checks if the password is saved for the Client Certificate.getClientCertificateKeyManagers
public KeyManager[] getClientCertificateKeyManagers(String serverDescription, char[] password, ICertificateUI callback) throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException, UnrecoverableKeyException Gets the keystore for the Client Certificate.If no
is set and the password is not saved, an error will be thrown.- Parameters:
- The server description.password
- The password, or null for none.callback
- The callback to request the password from the user, null for none.- Returns:
- The keystore, or null if client certificate is not used or the user canceled the password dialog box.
- Throws:
- If no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the PKCS#12 type.NoSuchAlgorithmException
- If the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found.CertificateException
- If any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded.IOException
- If there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException.UnrecoverableKeyException
- If the key cannot be recovered (e.g. the given password is wrong).
public SSLEngine createClientSSLEngine(String serverDescription) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException, UnrecoverableKeyException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchProviderException, KeyManagementException Creates a Client SSL Engine for the NIO socket communication initialized with these parameters. The SSL context for the settings is cached in order to provide a faster access the second time this method is called.- Parameters:
- The server description.- Returns:
- The SSL Engine for the Client, initialized for Client mode.
- Throws:
- If no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the PKCS#12 type.NoSuchAlgorithmException
- If the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found.CertificateException
- If any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded.IOException
- If there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException.UnrecoverableKeyException
- If the key cannot be recovered (e.g. the given password is wrong).NoSuchProviderException
- TLS provider not found.KeyManagementException
- Key management problems.
Assigns the Host Name once a session has been established with a socket. This is then used for name clash verification with a server certificate.setCallback
Assigns the callback interface to this instance of the properties. Please note that it is not a good idea to do if it's not a new instance of the properties, e.g. if they are loaded from an XML file.getCallback
Gets the callback assigned to the properties.- Returns:
- The callback, or null if none has been set.