Package com.iizix.prop
Class PolicyProps
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Container holding policiy settings. In the server, there are two sets: one for administrators and one for normal users. Typically, policy settings are used for security settings such as passwords, etc.
- Author:
- Christopher Mindus
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Atom
The atom name for "admin".static final Atom
The atom name for "user".static final String
The policy type name for an administrator: "$admin".static final String
Property name: Password must be changed upon next login (requires "noChanges" = false).static final String
Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, true by default for admin.static final String
Property name: boolean flag for at least one digit.static final String
Property name: boolean flag for at least one "symbol" character (other than 0-9, a-z, A-Z), default true for admin, false for users.static final String
Property name: flag for at least one lower case and one upper case character, default true for admin, false for users.static final String
Property name: History length: integer, default 4 for users and 8 for admin.static final String
Property name: integer, minimum password length is 4.static final String
Property name: Password cannot be changed.static final String
The policy type name for a user: "$user".Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Fields inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates the container properties without a name.PolicyProps
(Atom atom) Creates the container properties with a name.Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
Checks if the password can be changed or not.clone()
Clone must be overridden.Gets the description of the
Property name: History length: integer, default 0 for users and 8 for admin, zero for
Property name: integer, minimum password length is 4.boolean
Returns if this is a policy for administrators, i.e.boolean
Checks if the password must be changed at next login.boolean
Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, false by default.boolean
Property name: boolean flag for at least one digit, default true for admin, false for users.boolean
Property name: boolean flag for at least one "symbol" character (other than 0-9, a-z, A-Z), default true for admin, false for users.boolean
Property name: flag for at least one lower case and one upper case character, default true for admin, false for users.boolean
(boolean on) Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, false by default.Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
__transferChildProps, addPredefinedProps, addProp, addProp, addProp2, addProp2, appendPropValue, canRequestFocus, completeVirtualize, containsProp, containsProp, convertLoadedProp, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, createCopyOfAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createVSReference, doPropEqualsArrayValues, enablePropCommunication, enablePropHashMap, equalsTree, equalsTree, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getBool, getBool, getBool, getBool, getChildPropError, getChildPropError, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getErrorsProp, getExtendsContainer, getExtendsError, getExtendsName, getExtendsOverride, getExtendsPossibleClasses, getFirstProp, getFirstProp, getFocusEngine, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLong, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getPossibleChildren, getPredefinedProps, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getPropBaseReference, getPropCnr, getPropCount, getPropCount, getPropIndex, getPropIndex, getPropIndexes, getProps, getProps, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue0, getRetargetedVerifyContainer, getString, getString, getString, getString, getValueClasses, getVSReference, hasFocus, hasSendData, initializeElement, initializeExtendsFramework, initializeProp, initializeValue, initPropCnr, insertProp, insertProp2, isChild, isExtendsOverriden, isExtendsPropertyValid, isExtendsRoot, isPropAddRemoveAllowed, isPropCommunicating, isPropExtended, isSibling, list, list, logPropNotFound, maybeAddProp, onInsertProp, onPropDispose, onPropRemoved, onPropTreeInitialized, onReferenceEvent, onVirtualContainerCreated, onVirtualizationCompleted, paramString, prepare, removeAllProps, removeAllProps2, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, reorderProps, replaceProps, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusEx, requestFocusEx, resolveReferences, resolveRuntimeReferences, setBool, setBool, setBool, setBool, setCreateRequiredProp, setExtendsName, setExtendsOverride, setInt, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setLong, setLong, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setProp, setProp, setProp, setProp2, setProp2, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setString, setString, setString, setString, shouldCreateProps, shouldSerializeToXML, toElementString, toNativeValue0, usePropHashMap, usesPropIndex, validateChildPropInValue, validateClassInstances, validatePropType, validatePropValue, verify, verifyInternalUseOnly, verifyTree, virtualize
Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
addPropError, addPropListener, convertPropError, dispose, equals, equals, equalsErrors, equalsObj, equalsPropValue, equalValues, extendsClone, finalize, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAliasName, getAppSessionGyro, getAppWorker, getAtomPath, getAttribute, getChildReferencePropName, getClientSessionGyro, getClientWorker, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getFullPropNameDebug, getListeners, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getProjectName, getPropAtom, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErroredName, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropReferenceTarget, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValueObject, getReferencePropName, getReferencePropNameNoAssert, getRelativePropName, getRootFromName, getRootName, getRootParent, getRootParentNoAssert, getTreeLock, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropForEditor, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropPrivateAtCreation, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropRootLoading, isPropRootTreeModificationsAllowed, isPropUSER, isPropValueTreeLockNeeded, isPropVirtualized, isPropVirtualizing, isPropVolatile, isPropVolatileOrEditorOnly, isProxied, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, modifyPropValue, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onEventSelf, onPrepare, onPropInvalidateCache, onPropParentChanged, onPropValueSet, onRemoteEvent, paramString, paramValue, post, post, removePropError, removePropListener, removePropUSER, renameProp, renameProp2, resetChangedTree, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPrivateCreateRequiredProp, setPropError, setPropErroredName, setPropExtended, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropForEditor, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropUSER, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValueIncognito, setPropVolatile, severe, severe, severe, shouldSerializeToXML, throwIfReadOnly, toNativeValue, toString, toString, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
addPropError, addPropListener, dispose, equals, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAppSessionGyro, getAtomPath, getClientSessionGyro, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getPropAtom, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getReferencePropName, getRelativePropName, getRootParent, getTreeLock, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropVirtualized, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onEventSelf, onRemoteEvent, removePropError, removePropListener, renameProp, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPropError, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropValue, setPropValue, severe, severe, severe, toNativeValue, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
canRequestFocus, canRequestFocus, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized
Field Details
The policy type name for an administrator: "$admin".- See Also:
The policy type name for a user: "$user".- See Also:
The atom name for "admin".AN_USER
The atom name for "user".PN_MIN_LENGTH
Property name: integer, minimum password length is 4.- See Also:
Property name: boolean flag for at least one digit.- See Also:
Property name: boolean flag for at least one "symbol" character (other than 0-9, a-z, A-Z), default true for admin, false for users.- See Also:
Property name: flag for at least one lower case and one upper case character, default true for admin, false for users.- See Also:
Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, true by default for admin.- See Also:
Property name: History length: integer, default 4 for users and 8 for admin.- See Also:
Property name: Password must be changed upon next login (requires "noChanges" = false).- See Also:
Property name: Password cannot be changed.- See Also:
Constructor Details
public PolicyProps()Creates the container properties without a name.PolicyProps
Creates the container properties with a name.- Parameters:
- The atom name.
Method Details
Clone must be overridden.getDescription
Gets the description of the Server.- Returns:
- The description, "Administrator's password policy" or "User's password policy" for default.
public boolean isAdminPolicy()Returns if this is a policy for administrators, i.e. has the name "admin".getPasswordMinLength
public int getPasswordMinLength()Property name: integer, minimum password length is 4. Default is 8 for admin and 6 for users.requiresPasswordDigit
public boolean requiresPasswordDigit()Property name: boolean flag for at least one digit, default true for admin, false for users.requiresPasswordQSymbol
public boolean requiresPasswordQSymbol()Property name: boolean flag for at least one "symbol" character (other than 0-9, a-z, A-Z), default true for admin, false for users.requiresPasswordUpperLower
public boolean requiresPasswordUpperLower()Property name: flag for at least one lower case and one upper case character, default true for admin, false for users.setRequireAdvancedEntropyChecking
public boolean setRequireAdvancedEntropyChecking(boolean on) Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, false by default.requiredAdvancedEntropyChecking
public boolean requiredAdvancedEntropyChecking()Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, false by default.getPasswordHistoryLength
public int getPasswordHistoryLength()Property name: History length: integer, default 0 for users and 8 for admin, zero for disabled.canChangePassword
public boolean canChangePassword()Checks if the password can be changed or not.- Returns:
- true for changeable, false for fixed.
public boolean mustChangePassword()Checks if the password must be changed at next login.- Returns:
- true for must change, false for not required.