Interface IServerModule<OBJECT>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IServerModule<OBJECT>
Interface implemented by a server module that wish to implement an end-point and act as a remote party accepter. Typical use for modules are e.g. load balancing and license manager.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • processServerArg

      default int processServerArg(String[] args, String param, int index)
      Processes command line arguments for the module in question.
      args - The arguments on the command line.
      param - The parameter is lower case, generally starting with "-" or "/".
      index - The next argument to read, might not be present if ( ii >= args.length ).
      The number of arguments processed, zero for none.
    • getModuleName

      String getModuleName()
      Gets the name of the module.
      A name such as "Load Balancer" or "License Manager".
    • getModuleDescripion

      String getModuleDescripion()
      Gets the description.
      A descriptive text of the module such a "Load Balancer for servers in the co.iizi.* domain" or "Backup License Manager for com.domain.LicMan".
    • initialize

      IEndPointConstructor<OBJECT> initialize(IServer server) throws Exception
      Initializes the module end point constructor.
      server - The server instance.
      The end point constructor.
      Exception - For failures: the module will not be used...
    • onServerReady

      void onServerReady(IServer server)
      Called when the server is ready. A server module that wishes to listen to when the server is going to be disposed can do so using IServer.addDisposeListener(com.iizix.server.IServerDisposeListener) at this stage.
      server - The server instance.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes of this server module. After dispose is called and dispose() has been called, the end point constructor is automatically removed and disposed of.