Class UIChart
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Chart Components: Plots, Axes, Series
Defining a basic chart and implementing its theme is quite simple. The real work comes in when defining plots, axes, and series. Each piece serves its own distinct, important purpose.
One of the main focuses of plots within charting is defining the type of chart to be added and providing values for the specific chart type's settings. The charting features numerous 2D charts including:
- Default - Universal line chart capable of rendering lines, fill areas under those lines, and placing markers at data points. This plot type is used if no plot type was specified when adding it to a chart.
- Lines - Basic line chart. Uses Default.
- Areas - Area under data line(s) will be filled. Uses Default.
- Markers - Lines with markers. Uses Default.
- MarkersOnly - Markers, sans lines. Uses Default.
- Stacked - Data sets charted in relation to the previous data set. Extension of Default.
- StackedLines - Stacked data sets using lines. Uses Stacked.
- StackedAreas - Stacked data sets with filled areas under chart lines. Uses Stacked.
- Bars - Horizontal bars.
- ClusteredBars - Horizontal bars with clustered data sets. Uses Bars.
- StackedBars - Stacked data sets with horizontal bars. Uses Bars.
- Columns - Vertical bars.
- ClusteredColumns - Vertical bars with clustered data sets. Uses Columns.
- StackedColumns - Stacked data sets with vertical bars. Uses Columns.
- Pie - The traditional pie chart.
- Scatter - Similar to MarkerOnly, yet capable of charting using gradient fields.
- Grid - For adding a grid layer to your chart.
Some of the standard plot options include:
- type - The chart type (Pie, Bars, Scatter, etc).
- lines - Represents if lines should be added within the chart.
- markers - Represents if markers should be added to data points within the chart.
- areas - Represents if areas within the chart should be shaded.
- shadows - Represents if shadows should be added to lines within the plot (ex: {dx:4, dy:4}).
- tension - Adds curves to lines within plots for added smoothness. Values can be:
X - Cubic bezier lines.
x - Similar to "X" but assumes that the point set is closed (a loop). It can be used when plotting true XY data.
S - Quadratic bezier lines. - gap - Represents the number of pixels between bars.
Each chart type may have its own custom options. The Pie plot type, for example, has a radius setting which defines the size of the chart's radius:
Most charts feature axes and many of those are the traditional x and y setup. An axis may be horizontal (the default) or vertical.
Some of the standard axis options include:
- fixUpper - Aligns chart ticks (can be "major", "minor", "micro", and "none").
- fixLower - Aligns chart ticks (can be "major", "minor", "micro", and "none").
- leftBottom - Determines the side of the chart the axis is placed (default is true).
- min - The minimum number an axis can start at.
- max - The maximum number an axis can end at.
This element is simply a series of data to be rendered to the chart. A series is added to the chart with the addSeries method. The addSeries method accepts three arguments:
- name - The name of the series. Also represents the series label when the Legend plugin is used.
- data - The array of data.
- options An object containing series options, which may include:
stroke - Color and width of lines (ex: { color:"red", width: 2 }).
fill - Fill color of bar / line / pie piece.
- Legend: Charts often include legends to further clarify the data provided within the chart.
- Tooltip:
sheds light on values when hovering over marks and chart pieces, depending on the chart type. - Magnify and MoveSlide:
uses a touch of animation to react to the mouse's mouseover event. MoveSlice moves a pie chart piece and Magnify slightly enlarges chart markers. - Highlight: changes the color of an area when the mouse enters the area.
- Author:
- Christopher Mindus
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentState
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Fields inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Fields inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Fields inherited from interface com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox
Fields inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsMethod Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdds a new axis to the chart.Adds a new plot to the chart.Adds a new series to the chart.boolean
Returns if the component can be aligned left, right, center, or horizontal fill.boolean
Returns if the component can be aligned top, bottom, middle or vertical
(int duration) Clears the zooms in or out any plots in two dimensions.clone()
Creates a clone out of this property.protected KStringProp
Creates the title property a StringProp, KStringProp or PlainKStringProp depending on the component.Returns the size of the component in pixels.Axis2D[]
Gets all defined axes.Gets an axis by name.Gets the default plot of the int
Gets the device type: -1=mobile, 0=both, 1=desktop.Gets a plot by name.Plot2D[]
Gets all defined plots.Series[]
Gets all defined series.Gets a series by name.getTheme()
Gets the chart theme.Gets the title position.boolean
Returns if the component has implicit component horizontal fill.boolean
Returns if the component has implicit component vertical fill.boolean
(int vs) Returns whether the chart contains data series with or without VS table connections.boolean
Returns whether auto-rendering is enabled for the chart or not.boolean
Returns if the component can show the context menu in mobile int
(IChartContainer axisPlotOrSeries) Moves an axis, plot or series to the int
(String name) Moves an axis, plot or series to the int
(IChartContainer axisPlotOrSeries) Moves an axis, plot or series to the int
(String name) Moves an axis, plot or series to the front.boolean
Does this component require a height?boolean
Does this component require a width?void
Requests a refresh of the chart to update the data series from their respective VS tables and columns.boolean
(Axis2D axis) Removes an axis by reference.boolean
(String name) Removes an axis by name.boolean
(Plot2D plot) Removes a plot by reference.boolean
(String name) Removes a plot by name.boolean
(Series series) Removes a series by reference.boolean
(String name) Removes a series by name.render()
Renders the chart.boolean
(boolean on) Sets the auto-rendering flag.void
(ChartTheme theme) Sets the chart
(double sx, double sy, double dx, double dy, int duration) Zooms in or out any plots in two boolean
Checks if index is relevant for this container, e.g.validate()
Validates the
Zooms in on an axis.boolean
Zooms out from any axis zoom-in.Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
add, addMappings, assignFontInfoResolver, canAcceptUIContainerFocus, canFillX, canFillY, canRequestFocus, canRequestFocus, clearErrorMessage, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, createStyles, disconnectVSField, enterVSProcessing, exitVSProcessing, fireSelection, fireSelection, forbiddenGetCustomDataMap, getBadge, getBestVSFieldValueType, getComponentID, getComponentMappings, getErrorMessage, getErrorMessage, getErrorMessageEx, getErrorMessageString, getErrorMessageString, getErrorMessageStringEx, getFirstContainerVSStateFocus, getFixHeight, getFixWidth, getFontInfo, getForcedAlignX, getForcedAlignY, getKStringText, getLayout, getLayoutMgr, getLayoutMgr, getMappedVSComponent, getMessage, getMessageText, getPixelHeight, getPixelWidth, getPredefinedProps, getSize, getStyles, getStyles, getText, getTitle, getTitleKS, getTitlePKS, getTooltip, getTooltipText, getTrigger, getUIPanel, getUIParent, getValue, getValue, getVirtualSpace, getVSField, getVSStateFocus, hasExplicitHeight, hasExplicitWidth, hasFocus, hasImplicitHeight, hasImplicitWidth, hasSelectionChanged, initPropCnr, invokeOnUICreateTree, isEnabled, isMobile, isReadOnly, isRTL, isVisible, isVSFieldDisconnected, mustHaveExplicitHeight, mustHaveExplicitWidth, onBroken, onComponentSelectedInParent, onEventSelf, onFocusGained, onNotifySelectionChanged, onParentStateChanged, onPrepare, onPrepare, onPropDispose, onRemoteEvent, onResolved, onSelectionChanged, onStateChanged, onValueChanged, processVSComponentSelection, reconnectVSField, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusEx, requestFocusEx, requestFocusEx, requestFocusEx, resetComponentID, setBadge, setBadge, setComponentToVSField, setEnabled, setEnabled, setErrorMessage, setErrorMessage, setErrorMessage, setErrorMessage, setHTMLText, setLayoutMgr, setMessage, setMessage, setReadOnly, setReadOnly, setText, setText, setTitle, setTitle, setTitle, setTooltip, setTooltip, setUIContainerFocus, setVisible, setVisible, setVSFieldMessageToComponent, setVSFieldToComponent, verify, verifyComponentScope
Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
__transferChildProps, addPredefinedProps, addProp, addProp, addProp2, addProp2, appendPropValue, completeVirtualize, containsProp, containsProp, convertLoadedProp, createCopyOfAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, createVSReference, doPropEqualsArrayValues, enablePropCommunication, enablePropHashMap, equalsTree, equalsTree, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getBool, getBool, getBool, getBool, getChildPropError, getChildPropError, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getErrorsProp, getExtendsContainer, getExtendsError, getExtendsName, getExtendsOverride, getExtendsPossibleClasses, getFirstProp, getFirstProp, getFocusEngine, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLong, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getPossibleChildren, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getPropBaseReference, getPropCnr, getPropCount, getPropCount, getPropIndex, getPropIndex, getPropIndexes, getProps, getProps, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue0, getRetargetedVerifyContainer, getString, getString, getString, getString, getValueClasses, getVSReference, hasSendData, initializeElement, initializeExtendsFramework, initializeProp, initializeValue, insertProp, insertProp2, isChild, isExtendsOverriden, isExtendsPropertyValid, isExtendsRoot, isPropAddRemoveAllowed, isPropCommunicating, isPropExtended, isSibling, list, list, logPropNotFound, maybeAddProp, onInsertProp, onPropRemoved, onPropTreeInitialized, onReferenceEvent, onVirtualContainerCreated, onVirtualizationCompleted, paramString, prepare, removeAllProps, removeAllProps2, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, reorderProps, replaceProps, requestFocus, requestFocusEx, resolveReferences, resolveRuntimeReferences, setBool, setBool, setBool, setBool, setCreateRequiredProp, setExtendsName, setExtendsOverride, setInt, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setLong, setLong, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setProp, setProp, setProp, setProp2, setProp2, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setString, setString, setString, setString, shouldCreateProps, shouldSerializeToXML, toElementString, toNativeValue0, usePropHashMap, validateChildPropInValue, validateClassInstances, validatePropType, validatePropValue, verifyInternalUseOnly, verifyTree, virtualize
Methods inherited from class com.iizix.prop.GProp
addPropError, addPropListener, convertPropError, dispose, equals, equals, equalsErrors, equalsObj, equalsPropValue, equalValues, extendsClone, finalize, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAliasName, getAppSessionGyro, getAppWorker, getAtomPath, getAttribute, getChildReferencePropName, getClientSessionGyro, getClientWorker, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getFullPropNameDebug, getListeners, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getProjectName, getPropAtom, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErroredName, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropReferenceTarget, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValueObject, getReferencePropName, getReferencePropNameNoAssert, getRelativePropName, getRootFromName, getRootName, getRootParent, getRootParentNoAssert, getTreeLock, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropForEditor, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropPrivateAtCreation, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropRootLoading, isPropRootTreeModificationsAllowed, isPropUSER, isPropValueTreeLockNeeded, isPropVirtualized, isPropVirtualizing, isPropVolatile, isPropVolatileOrEditorOnly, isProxied, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, modifyPropValue, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onPropInvalidateCache, onPropParentChanged, onPropValueSet, paramString, paramValue, post, post, removePropError, removePropListener, removePropUSER, renameProp, renameProp2, resetChangedTree, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPrivateCreateRequiredProp, setPropError, setPropErroredName, setPropExtended, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropForEditor, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropUSER, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValueIncognito, setPropVolatile, severe, severe, severe, shouldSerializeToXML, throwIfReadOnly, toNativeValue, toString, toString, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.IComponent
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.ICustomDataProvider
getCustomData, putCustomData, putCustomDataIfAbsent
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
addPropError, addPropListener, dispose, equals, fine, fine, finer, finer, finest, finest, fromElementString, getAppSessionGyro, getAtomPath, getClientSessionGyro, getConstraints, getEnvironment, getErroredPropItems, getErroredProps, getErrorsProp, getExtendsRootContainer, getFullPropName, getFullPropNameDebug, getModuleFolder, getModuleFolder, getParent, getParent, getPropAtom, getPropBaseReference, getPropError, getPropError, getPropErrorSeverity, getPropExtendsFlags, getPropFromPath, getPropFromReference, getPropIndex, getPropName, getPropPath, getPropPath, getPropRootPropMgr, getPropTreeErrorSeverity, getPropValue, getPropValue, getReferencePropName, getRelativePropName, getRootParent, getTreeLock, getValueClasses, getVSReference, hasChanged, hasCircularReferencesError, hasPrivateChangeEventProp, hasPropError, hasPropTreeError, info, info, initializeGElement, initializeGProp, isDisposed, isPropChildOf, isPropClientCreated, isPropCommunicating, isPropCreateRequired, isPropExtended, isPropExtendsFinal, isPropExtendsPrivate, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropExtendsPrivateInRoot, isPropFile, isPropFolder, isPropNullable, isPropPrivate, isPropReadOnly, isPropReferenceTreeValid, isPropRoot, isPropVirtualized, list, list, list, list, list, mapAliasToReference, mapReferenceToAlias, mapReferenceToProjectRelative, moveProp, moveProp, moveProp, onEvent, onEventSelf, onPropTreeInitialized, onRemoteEvent, removePropError, removePropListener, renameProp, resolveRuntimeReferences, setChanged, setConstraints, setConstraints, setParent, setPrivateChangeEventProp, setPropError, setPropExtendsFinal, setPropExtendsPrivate, setPropNullable, setPropPrivate, setPropReadOnly, setPropValue, setPropValue, severe, severe, severe, toElementString, toNativeValue, triggerRemoteEvent, triggerRemoteEvent, validateProp, validatePropType, validatePropValue, verify, warning, warning, warning
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox
messageBox, messageBox
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
addProp, addProp, addProp2, addProp2, canRequestFocus, canRequestFocus, canRequestFocus, containsProp, containsProp, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, couldRequestFocusIfVirtualized, createCopyOfAtom, createUniqueAtom, createUniqueAtom, enablePropCommunication, enablePropHashMap, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getAllProps, getBool, getBool, getBool, getBool, getChildPropError, getChildPropError, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getChildPropErrorSeverity, getErrorsProp, getExtendsError, getExtendsName, getExtendsPossibleClasses, getFirstProp, getFirstProp, getFocusEngine, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getLong, getLong, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getNumber, getPossibleChildren, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getProp, getPropCnr, getPropCount, getPropIndex, getPropIndex, getPropIndexes, getProps, getProps, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getPropValue, getString, getString, getString, getString, hasFocus, initializeExtendsFramework, insertProp, insertProp2, isChild, isExtendsOverriden, isExtendsRoot, isPropAddRemoveAllowed, isPropExtended, isSibling, removeAllProps, removeAllProps2, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, removeProp2, reorderProps, requestFocus, requestFocusEx, setBool, setBool, setBool, setBool, setExtendsName, setExtendsOverride, setInt, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setLong, setLong, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setNumber, setProp, setProp, setProp, setProp2, setProp2, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setPropValue, setString, setString, setString, setString, usePropHashMap, validateClassInstances
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrChoiceSettings
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrColorSettings
get, getNoDefault, set
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFontSettings
get, getNoDefault, set
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrIntegerSettings
get, set
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrKStringSettings
get, getNoDefault, set, set
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
getContainerFirstUIComponent, getContainerFirstUIComponentNull, getFirstUIComponent, getFirstUIComponentNull, getPanelUIComponent, getPanelUIComponentNull, getUIRef
Methods inherited from interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIContextMenuOwner
getContainedContextMenu, getContextMenu, getReferencedContextMenu, isContextMenuSupported, onBroken, onResolved
Constructor Details
public UIChart()Creates the component without a name. The name must be set in all cases using thesetPropertyAtom
Creates the component with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".- Parameters:
- the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
Method Details
Creates a clone out of this property. The cloning is overridden by the subclasses in order to handle cloning of its class variables appropriately.usesPropIndex
public final boolean usesPropIndex()Checks if index is relevant for this container, e.g. to keep the Z-ordering of components.- Specified by:
in interfaceIPropCnr
- Overrides:
in classPropCnr
- Returns:
- true, the chart is index-sensitive.
public final int getDeviceType()Gets the device type: -1=mobile, 0=both, 1=desktop.- Specified by:
in interfaceIUIComp
- Returns:
- 0=both desktop and mobile support.
public boolean isMobileContextMenuSupported()Returns if the component can show the context menu in mobile mode.- Specified by:
in interfaceIUIContextMenuOwner
- Returns:
- Chart support context menus for mobile.
public boolean mustHaveWidth()Does this component require a width?- Overrides:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- true, always.
public boolean mustHaveHeight()Does this component require a height?- Overrides:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- true, always.
public boolean hasImplicitAlignFillX()Returns if the component has implicit component horizontal fill.- Overrides:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- Always true: true means component will always fill the space in X.
public boolean hasImplicitAlignFillY()Returns if the component has implicit component vertical fill.- Overrides:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- Always: true means component will always fill the space in Y.
public boolean canAlignX()Returns if the component can be aligned left, right, center, or horizontal fill.canAlignY
public boolean canAlignY()Returns if the component can be aligned top, bottom, middle or vertical fill.createTitleProp
Creates the title property a StringProp, KStringProp or PlainKStringProp depending on the component.- Overrides:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- A new KStringProp named Atom.TITLE.
Gets the chart theme.- Returns:
- The chart theme.
Sets the chart theme. Null means default theme.- Parameters:
- The chart theme.
Gets the title position.- Returns:
- The title position.
Adds a new axis to the chart.Calling this method turns off auto-rendering and you must complete chart rendering with
{link @#render()}
.- Parameters:
- The axis instance.- Returns:
instance for concatenation use.- Throws:
- If the axis already exists, or if the name is taken.
Gets an axis by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the axis.- Returns:
- The instance of the axis, or null if not found.
Gets all defined axes.- Returns:
- The axes array in the current order (the top-most axis is the first).
Removes an axis by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the axis.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Removes an axis by reference.- Parameters:
- The axis instance.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Gets the default plot of the chart. This instance MUST be present in order for the chart to be rendered. If it has been removed, the chart will be in error state.- Returns:
- The default plot, or null if it is not yet added or has been removed.
Adds a new plot to the chart.Calling this method turns off auto-rendering and you must complete chart rendering with
{link @#render()}
.- Parameters:
- The plot instance.- Returns:
instance for concatenation use.- Throws:
- If the plot already exists, or if the name is taken.
Gets a plot by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the plot.- Returns:
- The instance of the plot, or null if not found.
Gets all defined plots.- Returns:
- The plot array in the current order (the top-most plot is the first).
Removes a plot by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the plot.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Removes a plot by reference.- Parameters:
- The plot instance.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Adds a new series to the chart.Calling this method turns off auto-rendering and you must complete chart rendering with
{link @#render()}
.- Parameters:
- The series instance.- Returns:
instance for concatenation use.- Throws:
- If the series already exists, or if the name is taken.
Gets a series by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the series.- Returns:
- The instance of the series, or null if not found.
Gets all defined series.- Returns:
- The series array in the current order (the top-most series is the first).
Removes a series by name.- Parameters:
- The name of the series.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Removes a series by reference.- Parameters:
- The series instance.- Returns:
- true for success, false for failure.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
public boolean hasSeries(int vs) Returns whether the chart contains data series with or without VS table connections.- Parameters:
- The VS connection check: -1 = all data series, 0 = only without VS tables, 1 = only with VS tables.- Returns:
- true if there are data series with the matching VS connection check flag.
Moves an axis, plot or series to the front.- Parameters:
- The name of the axis, plot or series.- Returns:
- 1 for success and change to chart, zero for success but no change, -1 if not found.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Moves an axis, plot or series to the front.- Parameters:
- Axis, plot or series to move.- Returns:
- 1 for success and change to chart, zero for success but no change, -1 if not found.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Moves an axis, plot or series to the back.- Parameters:
- The name of the axis, plot or series.- Returns:
- 1 for success and change to chart, zero for success but no change, -1 if not found.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Moves an axis, plot or series to the back.- Parameters:
- The axis, plot or series to move.- Returns:
- 1 for success and change to chart, zero for success but no change, -1 if not found.
- Throws:
- In case of property errors such as read-only chart property.
Validates the chart.- Returns:
- null for success, otherwise the first error message.
public boolean isAutoRendering()Returns whether auto-rendering is enabled for the chart or not.If not auto-rendered, you MUST call the
{link @#render()}
method in order to visualize the chart (or its changes).If auto-rendered, the chart is rendered immediately upon creation, or for changes with a delay of 300 ms since the last update to the chart or any of its settings, plot, axis, series or values.
If auto-rendering is on, you may still call the
{link @#render()}
method in order to perform an immediate rendering.- Returns:
- The auto-render flag.
public boolean setAutoRendering(boolean on) Sets the auto-rendering flag.If not auto-rendered, you MUST call the
{link @#render()}
method in order to visualize the chart (or its changes).If auto-rendered, the chart is rendered immediately upon creation, or for changes with a delay of 300 ms since the last update to the chart or any of its settings, plot, axis, series or values.
If auto-rendering is on, you may still call the
{link @#render()}
method in order to perform an immediate rendering.- Parameters:
- The auto-rendering flag.- Returns:
- The auto-render flag.
Renders the chart. Before rendering, validation is performed in order to check the chart state and a potential error is returned rather than rendering the chart.- Returns:
- null for success, otherwise the error message.
Zooms in on an axis.- Parameters:
- The axis instance.start
- The start point measured in axis ticks.end
- The end point measured in axis ticks.- Returns:
- 1 for success, zero for no change or -1 for failure.
public boolean zoomout()Zooms out from any axis zoom-in.- Returns:
- true for success, false for no change.
public int setWindow(double sx, double sy, double dx, double dy, int duration) Zooms in or out any plots in two dimensions.- Parameters:
- The scale for the x axis (greater than zero).sy
- The scale for the y axis (greater than zero).dx
- The pixel offset on the x axis.dy
- The pixel offset on the y axis.duration
- Duration for the chart zooming animation trigger, zero for none, otherwise a value in milliseconds e.g. 1200.- Returns:
- 1 for success, zero for no change or -1 for failure (sx/sy less or equal to zero, duration negative).
public int clearWindow(int duration) Clears the zooms in or out any plots in two dimensions.- Parameters:
- Duration for the chart zooming animation trigger, zero for none, otherwise a value in milliseconds e.g. 1200.- Returns:
- 1 for success, zero for no change or -1 for failure (duration negative).
Returns the size of the component in pixels. The size is a calculation and does not exactly reflect the real size that may be different due to additional styles not taken into account by this method. The size is calculated from the font of the component and default or defined values (such as character length or number of lines for text area).- Specified by:
in classUIComp
- Returns:
- The size of the component: 400x300.
public void refresh()Requests a refresh of the chart to update the data series from their respective VS tables and columns.The series are not refreshed upon returning from the call, it is done at a later stage.