Package com.iizix

Interface IPluginDescriptor<T extends PropCnr>

All Known Implementing Classes:
Descriptor, Descriptor, Descriptor

public interface IPluginDescriptor<T extends PropCnr>
Plug-in descriptor used for the Server to load the plug-in's XML schema and get the appropriate class loader.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getID

      String getID()
      Gets the ID of the plug-in, e.g. "com.iizigo.db".
      Predefined descriptors such as Images, Panels, etc, return null.
    • getServerID

      String getServerID()
      Gets the ID of the plug-in, e.g. "com.iizix.db".
      Predefined descriptors such as Images, Panels, etc, return null.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the plug-in.
      The description.
    • getPropertiesURL

      URL getPropertiesURL()
      Gets the properties file URL for "properties.xml".
      The URL for the properties file.
    • getClassLoader

      ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      Gets the class loader to use for loading properties classes.
      A class loader or null to use the default class loader.
    • getModuleDirectory

      String getModuleDirectory()
      Gets the directory name in Module projects.
      The module directory name.
    • getModuleFileExtension

      String getModuleFileExtension()
      Gets the file extension.
      The file extension used in Module projects, null for all.
    • getPropertyClass

      Class<T> getPropertyClass()
      Gets the property class for files.
      The main property class used, null if there are multiple ones, in which case the getPropertyClasses() method must be used.
    • getPropertyClasses

      Class<T>[] getPropertyClasses()
      Gets all the possible property class for files in case there is more than one.
      The main property class used.
    • getClasspathEntries

      List<URL> getClasspathEntries()
      Gets the URL's to the required classpath entries when running in the Server. This method is also called from the Designer, and the reply should include a representation of the same libraries or paths.
      A list of the classpath entries, or null for no special processing.
    • classpathEntriesFromClasses

      static List<URL> classpathEntriesFromClasses(Class<?>... classes)
      Default implementation of getClasspathEntries() that can be used, but should be cached into a variable to avoid calculation.
      classes - A list of classes where to grab URL's and check the classpath. Use a class from every bundle or Jar to get all URL's.
      A list of URL's without duplicates, in the ordering of the classes.