Class TerminalProps

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TerminalProps extends TelnetCommProps
This property container contains all properties required for the terminal connector in terms of flags, colors, etc.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • TerminalProps

      public TerminalProps()
      Creates the terminal properties container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
    • TerminalProps

      public TerminalProps(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates the terminal properties container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
      propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public TerminalProps clone()
      Creates a clone of the terminal properties.
      clone in class SocketCommProps
    • onPropDisposed

      protected void onPropDisposed()
      Called when the property is disposed of.
    • isPreStarted

      public boolean isPreStarted()
      Returns if the terminal session should be pre-started when a user session is started.
      The flag to prestart session or not.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the terminal session configuration.
      The description set, or null for none.
    • getDescription

      public boolean getDescription(String descr)
      Sets the description of the terminal session configuration.
      descr - The description to set, or null to remove it.
      true for changed, false for no change.
    • getTerminalType

      public TerminalProps.Type getTerminalType()
      Gets the terminal type.
      The terminal type (if none is set, 3270 is default).
    • setTerminalType

      public void setTerminalType(TerminalProps.Type type)
      Sets the terminal type.
      type - The terminal type.
    • getEEMFileName

      public String getEEMFileName()
      Gets the EEM file name.
      null for none (default), otherwise the file name that is relative the root of the server.
    • setEEMFileName

      public void setEEMFileName(String fn)
      Sets the EEM file name. The file name should be relative the root directory of the server.
      fn - The EEM file name or empty string for none.
    • getCaptureFileName

      public String getCaptureFileName()
      Gets the EE file name, used when the host session is displaying a single captured screen.
      File name or null for none.
    • setCaptureFileName

      public void setCaptureFileName(String fn)
      Sets the EE file name, used when the host session is displaying a single captured screen.
      fn - The file name for EE capture.
    • isUserSmartInsertModeEnabled

      public boolean isUserSmartInsertModeEnabled()
      Checks if smart-insert mode is enabled (spaces are treated like null's at the end of the field).
      true if enabled (default), false otherwise.
    • setUserSmartInsertMode

      public void setUserSmartInsertMode(boolean enabled)
      Sets the smart-insert mode (spaces are treated like null's at the end of the field).
      enabled - The enabled flag.
    • isUser3270BoxDrawingEnabled

      public boolean isUser3270BoxDrawingEnabled()
      Checks if 3270 box drawing is enabled.
      true if enabled (default), false otherwise.
    • setUser3270BoxDrawingEnabled

      public void setUser3270BoxDrawingEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets if 3270 box drawing is enabled.
      enabled - The enabled flag.
    • isUserPCInsertModeEnabled

      public boolean isUserPCInsertModeEnabled()
      Checks if PC Insert mode is enabled.
      true if enabled (default), false otherwise.
    • setUserPCInsertModeEnabled

      public void setUserPCInsertModeEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets if PC Insert mode is enabled.
      enabled - The enabled flag.
    • isTypeAheadEnabled

      public boolean isTypeAheadEnabled()
      Checks if type-ahead is enabled for this session.
      true if enabled (default), false otherwise.
    • setTypeAheadEnabled

      public void setTypeAheadEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets if type-ahead is enabled for this session.
      enabled - The enabled flag.
    • isClientLocalFieldEditing

      public boolean isClientLocalFieldEditing()
      Checks if client-local field editing is enabled for this session.
      true if enabled (default), false otherwise.
    • setClientLocalFieldEditing

      public void setClientLocalFieldEditing(boolean enabled)
      Sets if client-local field editing is enabled for this session.
      enabled - The enabled flag.
    • isPrinterAssociated

      public boolean isPrinterAssociated()
      Checks if a 3270 printer is associated.
      true if associated, false (default) otherwise.
    • setPrinterAssociated

      public void setPrinterAssociated(boolean associate)
      Sets if a 3270 printer is associated.
      associate - true if associated, false otherwise.
    • getPrinterSettings

      public boolean getPrinterSettings(TerminalPrinterSettings pojo)
      Gets the printer properties container and initializes the TerminalPrinterSettings POJO class members accordingly.
      pojo - The printer properties instance.
      true if successfully completed the operation, i.e. the printer properties were defined in the TerminalProps.
    • setPrinterSettings

      public boolean setPrinterSettings(TerminalPrinterSettings pojo)
      Sets the printer properties container from a TerminalPrinterSettings POJO.
      pojo - The printer properties instance.
      true if successfully completed the operation, i.e. the printer properties were defined in the TerminalProps.
    • getKeyboardRemapper

      public KeyboardRemapper getKeyboardRemapper()
      Gets the keyboard mapper to use. This method creates a new KeyboardRemapper instance every time this method is called, so use it carefully!
      A new instance of the KeyboardRemapper.
    • createTerminalHost

      public TerminalHost createTerminalHost(AppSessionGyro appGyro)
      Creates a terminal host that becomes associated with this property.
      appGyro - The application gyro for the session.
      A new instance of the terminal session, or the previously started one.
    • getCreatedTerminalHost

      public TerminalHost getCreatedTerminalHost()
      Gets the terminal host that has been created from this property for the application session gyro instance using createTerminalHost(AppSessionGyro).
      The terminal host created, or null for none.