Interface IActionActor<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVSActionActor, DatabaseActionActor, EditorDatabaseActionActor, EditorHistoryBackward, EditorHistoryForward, EditorJavaActionActor, EditorSetFocus, EditorSetSourceFieldValue, EditorSetTargetFieldValue, EditorTerminalActionActor, EditorTransportField, EditorWebServiceActionActor, HistoryBackward, HistoryForward, JavaActionActorBase, SetFocus, SetSourceFieldValue, SetTargetFieldValue, TerminalActionActor, TransportField, TransportGroup, TransportSelectedTableRows, TransportSingleSelectedTableRow, TransportSingleSelectedTableRowAndColumnToField, TransportSingleSelectedTableRowToFields, TransportTableColumn, TransportTableRows, WebServiceActionActor

public interface IActionActor<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
Action Actor interface used for TXP runnable's.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • delegateNewTXPNode

      default AbstractActionActorTXPNode<SETTINGS> delegateNewTXPNode(VSActionTXProcess actionProcess, VSAction action, AbstractSettings settings) throws ClassNotFoundException, ActionActorException
      Internal method used to delegate the call to the newTXPNode(VSActionTXProcess, VSAction, AbstractSettings).

      Do not override or implement this method.

      actionProcess - The action process.
      action - The VirtualSpace Action instance that initiates the actor.
      settings - The settings for the action actor implementation.
      A new TXP node implementation ready to be added to a TXP process.
      ClassNotFoundException - If the Action Actor class is not found.
      ActionActorException - If a new node could not be created.
    • newTXPNode

      Creates a new TXP Node instance to be used for a TXP process.
      actionProcess - The action process.
      action - The VirtualSpace Action instance that initiates the actor.
      settings - The settings for the action actor implementation.
      A new TXP node implementation ready to be added to a TXP process.
      ClassNotFoundException - If the Action Actor class is not found.
      ActionActorException - If a new node could not be created.
    • getDefaultDescription

      String getDefaultDescription()
      Gets the default description of the Action Actor to be used for the Designer or logging.
      A short description.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Gets a description of the Action Actor to be used for the Designer or logging.
      A short description.
    • getEnabledState

      String getEnabledState(IAppSessionGyro appGyro, VSAction action)
      Checks if the runnable is enabled for the current VirtualSpace. This method is checked to see if the action is enabled and also in the Designer.
      appGyro - The application session gyro instance.
      action - The action calling the action actor.
      null If enabled, otherwise an message why it's not enabled.
    • doesModifyVirtualSpace

      boolean doesModifyVirtualSpace()
      Checks if the VirtualSpace is modified by the Action Actor.
      true if any component in the VS is modified (excludes focus).