Class TooltipItem


public class TooltipItem extends Object
Tooltip item class used to display a tooltip for a property container implementing the ITooltipPropList interface.

Flags are composed as F_* bit flag or'ed with the type of:

  • 0 = normal text
  • 1 = property value (perhaps using formatter)
  • 2 = property name getPropName()
  • 3 = getCNText()
  • 4 = getCNDescription()
  • 5 = getCNDescriptionType()
  • 14 = Vertical indent with "valueFlags" pixels
  • 15 = Horizontal line
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • F_IMAGE

      public static final int F_IMAGE
      Flag for Image.
      See Also:
    • F_BOLD

      public static final int F_BOLD
      Flag for bold font, cannot be combined with italic font.
      See Also:
    • F_ITALIC

      public static final int F_ITALIC
      Flag for bold font, cannot be combined with italic font.
      See Also:

      public static final int F_ITALIC_NONE
      Flag for bold font, cannot be combined with italic font.
      See Also:
    • T_NORMAL

      public static final int T_NORMAL
      Type: normal.
      See Also:

      public static final int T_PROP_VALUE
      Type: property value (perhaps using formatter).
      See Also:

      public static final int T_PROP_NAME
      Type: property name.
      See Also:
    • T_CN_TEXT

      public static final int T_CN_TEXT
      Type: string as getCNText().
      See Also:

      public static final int T_CN_DESCRIPTION
      Type: string as getCNDescription().
      See Also:

      public static final int T_CN_DESCRIPTION_TYPE
      Type: string as getCNDescriptionType().
      See Also:

      public static final int T_CN_TYPE_DESCRIPTION_TYPE
      Type: string as getCNTypeDescriptionType() when available (only for IPropDesigner implementing properties).
      See Also:

      public static final TooltipItem HEADER_IMAGE_DESCR_TYPE
      Header line: BOLD + CNDescription + ':'.

      public static final TooltipItem HEADER_IMAGE_DESCR_TYPE_NAME
      Header line: BOLD + CNDescription + ':' + PropName.

      public static final TooltipItem HEADER_DESCR_TEXT
      Header line: BOLD + CNDescription + ':' + CNText.

      public static final TooltipItem SEPARATOR
      The horizontal separator line.
    • SPACER_4PX

      public static final TooltipItem SPACER_4PX
      The vertical indent of 4 pixels.
    • SPACER_8PX

      public static final TooltipItem SPACER_8PX
      The vertical indent of 8 pixels.
  • Method Details

    • newID

      public static TooltipItem newID(String prompt)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property name "ID" (Atom).
      prompt - The text prompt.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormal

      public static TooltipItem newNormal(String prompt, String atomName)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormal

      public static TooltipItem newNormal(String prompt, Atom atom)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atom - The atom name.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormal

      public static TooltipItem newNormal(String prompt, Atom atom, ITooltipStringFormatter formatter)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atom - The atom.
      formatter - The formatter of the item.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormal

      public static TooltipItem newNormal(String prompt, String atomName, ITooltipStringFormatter formatter)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      formatter - The formatter of the item.
      A tooltip item.
    • newIntIndex

      public static TooltipItem newIntIndex(String prompt, String atomName, String[] array, String defaultValue)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      array - Array containing zero-based values
      defaultValue - String value to show if value is undefined or out of range.
      A tooltip item.
    • newIntIndex

      public static TooltipItem newIntIndex(String prompt, String atomName, String[] array)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      array - Array containing zero-based values
      A tooltip item.
    • newIntIndex

      public static TooltipItem newIntIndex(String prompt, Atom atomName, String[] array, String defaultValue)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      array - Array containing zero-based values
      defaultValue - String value to show if value is undefined or out of range.
      A tooltip item.
    • newIntIndex

      public static TooltipItem newIntIndex(String prompt, Atom atomName, String[] array)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter.
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      array - Array containing zero-based values
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormal

      public static TooltipItem newNormal(String prompt, ITooltipStringFormatter formatter)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a formatter. Italic is used for the value if the string is empty, replacing the empty value string with "empty".
      prompt - The text prompt.
      formatter - The formatter of the item.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormalItalicEmpty

      public static TooltipItem newNormalItalicEmpty(String prompt, String atomName)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom. Italic is used for the value if the string is empty, replacing the empty value string with "empty".
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormalItalicEmpty

      public static TooltipItem newNormalItalicEmpty(String prompt, Atom atom)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom. Italic is used for the value if the string is empty, replacing the empty value string with "empty".
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atom - The atom name.
      A tooltip item.
    • newNormalItalicEmpty

      public static TooltipItem newNormalItalicEmpty(String prompt, String atomName, ITooltipStringFormatter formatter)
      Constructs a line with normal fonts of a text prompt and a property atom with a formatter. Italic is used for the value if the string is empty, replacing the empty value string with "empty".
      prompt - The text prompt.
      atomName - The atom name.
      formatter - The formatter of the item.
      A tooltip item.
    • createLine

      public int createLine(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, PropCnr pc, int verticalIndent)
      Creates a line with the settings specified.
      parent - The parent composite.
      pc - The property container.
      verticalIndent - The vertical indent, negative value indicates separator before.
      The vertical indent for next item, negative value indicates separator after.