Class HostSession3270

    • Field Detail

      • display

        public final Display3270 display
        The 3270 display instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HostSession3270

        public HostSession3270​(HostSession owner,
                               TerminalProps properties)
        Constructor only from this package.
        owner - Owner of session.
        properties - The terminal and communication properties.
        Throws: - for errors.
    • Method Detail

      • is3270

        public boolean is3270()
        Checks if a session is 3270 or 5250.
        Specified by:
        is3270 in interface HostSessionPeer
        true is always 3270.
      • isProcessingDataStream

        public boolean isProcessingDataStream()
        Checks if the session is currently processing data stream commands to update the screen/cursor, state, etc.
        Specified by:
        isProcessingDataStream in interface HostSessionPeer
      • connect

        public boolean connect()
        Connects the session to host.
        Specified by:
        connect in interface HostSessionPeer
      • disconnect

        public boolean disconnect()
        Disconnects the session from host.
        Specified by:
        disconnect in interface HostSessionPeer
      • sendCharacterString

        public boolean sendCharacterString​(java.lang.String keys)
        Sends character keystrokes to host.
        Specified by:
        sendCharacterString in interface HostSessionPeer
      • setHostString

        public boolean setHostString​(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     int offset,
                                     int length,
                                     java.lang.String string)
        Sets a string to a host field.
        Specified by:
        setHostString in interface HostSessionPeer
      • setHostStringAsKeys

        public boolean setHostStringAsKeys​(int x,
                                           int y,
                                           int offset,
                                           int length,
                                           java.lang.String string)
        Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters. The host field is first cleared with (3270) Clear EOF or (5250) Field Exit or Field Minus (for negative numbers in a numeric field). The string is then entered as a set of keystrokes, followed by a potential Field Exit or Field Minus (for negative numbers in a numeric field), but only for 5250.
        Specified by:
        setHostStringAsKeys in interface HostSessionPeer
      • doesHostNeedFieldExit

        public boolean doesHostNeedFieldExit​(int x,
                                             int y,
                                             int offset,
                                             int length,
                                             java.lang.String string)
        For 5250 only: checks if a field has the attributes that requires this particular string to enter the data followed by a "Field Exit" or "Field Minus" key. For 3270 it's always false.
        Specified by:
        doesHostNeedFieldExit in interface HostSessionPeer
        false=field doesn't require field exit, true=field requires field exit.
      • setCursor

        public boolean setCursor​(int x,
                                 int y)
        Sets the host cursor position.
        Specified by:
        setCursor in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getLastError

        public java.lang.String getLastError​(boolean doClear)
        Gets the last error message of the session.
        Specified by:
        getLastError in interface HostSessionPeer
        null if the session doesn't support it (3270 doesn't).
      • setLastError

        public void setLastError​(java.lang.String errMsg)
        Sets the last error message of the session.
        Specified by:
        setLastError in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getScreenLength

        public int getScreenLength()
        Gets the current screen length (width * height).
        Specified by:
        getScreenLength in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getSessionState

        public int getSessionState()
        Gets the current session state.
        Specified by:
        getSessionState in interface HostSessionPeer
        A combination of HostSessionPeer.STATE_* flags is returned.
      • getCharactersAndAttributes

        public void getCharactersAndAttributes​(char[] chars,
                                               int[] attrbs,
                                               int beginPos,
                                               int endPos)
        Gets the characters and attributes between two positions, including the end position.
        Specified by:
        getCharactersAndAttributes in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getCharactersAndAttributes

        public void getCharactersAndAttributes​(char[] chars,
                                               int[] attrbs,
                                               int beginPos,
                                               int endPos,
                                               char fieldOrNullChar)
        Gets the characters and attributes between two positions, including the end position. The character "fieldOrNullChar" is the character that will be used instead of field attributes and null characters.
        Specified by:
        getCharactersAndAttributes in interface HostSessionPeer
      • refreshHostFields

        public void refreshHostFields​(HostFields fields)
        Refreshes the host fields of the current session. The host session will add all available host fields sorted left to right, top to bottom.
        Specified by:
        refreshHostFields in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getDeviceName

        public java.lang.String getDeviceName()
        Gets the device name of the session.
        Specified by:
        getDeviceName in interface HostSessionPeer
        null if no device name exists.
      • isPrinter

        public boolean isPrinter()
        Checks if this is a printer or not (always false).
        Specified by:
        isPrinter in interface HostSessionPeer
      • setInsertMode

        public boolean setInsertMode​(boolean on)
        Sets the insert mode.
        Specified by:
        setInsertMode in interface HostSessionPeer
        true for success, false for failure.
      • doesFieldHaveExtendedAttributes

        public boolean doesFieldHaveExtendedAttributes​(HostField hostField)
        Checks if a host field has extended attributes or not. 5250 never has, but 3270 could have, e.g. special highlighting.
        Specified by:
        doesFieldHaveExtendedAttributes in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getNewCharAttribute

        public int getNewCharAttribute​(HostField hostField)
        Gets the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
        Specified by:
        getNewCharAttribute in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getHomeAddress

        public int getHomeAddress()
        Gets the host address index on the screen.
        Specified by:
        getHomeAddress in interface HostSessionPeer
        -1 if none is available.
      • setHostField

        public boolean setHostField​(HostField hostField,
                                    java.lang.String data,
                                    int[] attrs)
        Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
        Specified by:
        setHostField in interface HostSessionPeer
        true for success, false for failure.
      • getAllowedCharacters

        public java.lang.String getAllowedCharacters()
        Gets the string of characters that can be input by the user using the configured host code page for this session.

        If the return string is empty, for the EE package for example, all characters are "inputable".

        Specified by:
        getAllowedCharacters in interface HostSessionPeer
      • isFieldFormatted

        public boolean isFieldFormatted()
        Checks if this host screen is field formatted. This method is not like the one in HostScreen, this one checks directly to see if any fields are present.
        Specified by:
        isFieldFormatted in interface HostSessionPeer
      • getAssociated3270Printer

        public com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Printer getAssociated3270Printer()
        Gets the 3270 printer session "associated" with this terminal session, null if no printer is associated.
        The associated 3270 printer, null for none.
      • getOwnerHostSession

        public HostSession3270 getOwnerHostSession()
        Gets the owner (terminal) host session for the printer session.
        null for no printer session or printer is not yet associated with a session.
      • hostAcceptedDataStream

        public void hostAcceptedDataStream​(TelnetComm comm,
                                           java.lang.String terminalType)
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        The host accepted the options for the terminal type and went into BINARY mode. This means that 3270/5250 data stream will follow. Inform the host session listener of a connect change.
        Specified by:
        hostAcceptedDataStream in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        terminalType - The terminal type accepted by the host at Telnet terminal negotiation.
      • processInboundDataStream

        public void processInboundDataStream​(TelnetComm comm,
                                             byte[] inputBuf,
                                             int pos,
                                             int inputBufLen)
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        Processes the inbound 3270 or 5250 data stream.
        Specified by:
        processInboundDataStream in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        inputBuf - The input buffer.
        pos - Start position in buffer.
        inputBufLen - Length of input buffer.
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs.
      • processInboundSCSDataStream

        public void processInboundSCSDataStream​(TelnetComm comm,
                                                byte[] inputBuf,
                                                int inputBufLen)
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        Processes the inbound 3270 printer data stream. Processing of the buffer always starts at position 0.
        Specified by:
        processInboundSCSDataStream in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        inputBuf - The input buffer.
        inputBufLen - Length of input buffer.
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs.
      • processInboundSSCPLUDataStream

        public void processInboundSSCPLUDataStream​(TelnetComm comm,
                                                   byte[] inputBuf,
                                                   int pos,
                                                   int inputBufLen)
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        Processes the inbound 3270 SSCP-LU data stream.
        Specified by:
        processInboundSSCPLUDataStream in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        inputBuf - The input buffer.
        pos - Start position in buffer.
        inputBufLen - Length of input buffer.
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs.
      • processPrintEOJ

        public void processPrintEOJ​(TelnetComm comm)
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        Processes a Print End-of-Job for 3270 printers.
        Specified by:
        processPrintEOJ in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        Throws: - If an I/O error occurs.
      • onCommError

        public void onCommError​(TelnetComm comm,
        Description copied from interface: TelnetCommListener
        Called when the communication link is closed.
        Specified by:
        onCommError in interface TelnetCommListener
        comm - The telnet communication instance.
        e - The exception.