Interface IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp

    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedIndex

        int getSelectedIndex()
        Gets the first selected index.
        The first index in the current selection, or -1 for none.
      • getFirstSelectedIndex

        default int getFirstSelectedIndex()
        Gets the first selected index.
        Specified by:
        getFirstSelectedIndex in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
        The first index in the current selection, or -1 for none.
      • getSelectedIndicies

        default int[] getSelectedIndicies()
        Gets the selected indicies.
        Specified by:
        getSelectedIndicies in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
        A new array of the selected indices (that may be modified to your liking), or a static zero in length array for no selection.
      • setSelection

        default java.lang.String setSelection​(int[] indicies)
        Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
        Specified by:
        setSelection in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
        indicies - The indicies.
        null for success, otherwise the error message with the reason why it failed.