Interface ILayoutUnitHeight

    • Method Detail

      • getPropValue

        <VALUE> VALUE getPropValue​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.Class<VALUE> clazz)
        Gets the value of the property by the name. An error is logged if the value is not of specified class.
        name - the name of the property to locate in the array.
        clazz - the class the property must be or extend, null for no checking.
        Object the property or null for uninitialized container or the property with specified name is not found.
      • setPropValue

        <VALUE> boolean setPropValue​(java.lang.String name,
                                     VALUE value,
                                     java.lang.Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>> propClass)
        Sets a property value in the container.
        name - The name of the property.
        value - The value to set, null to remove the property.
        propClass - The property class.
        true if value was changed, false for no changes.
        java.lang.InternalError - If the property could not be removed or set due to errors.
      • getHeightUnit

        default GUnit getHeightUnit()
        Returns the height of the component.
        The unit, or null if height is not defined.
      • setHeight

        default boolean setHeight​(GUnit height)
        Set the width of the component.
        height - The height, null to remove the value.
        true for value changed, false for no change.