Interface IOAuthService

    • Method Detail

      • getAuthenticationProvider

        AuthenticationProvider getAuthenticationProvider()
        Gets authentication provider.
        The authentication provider enum.
      • getServiceName

        default java.lang.String getServiceName()
        Gets the service name of the authentication provider, e.g. "LinkedIn".
        The name of the authentication provider service.
      • getApproximateSize

        Size getApproximateSize()
        Gets the approximate size in pixels of the inner browser window requested. This setting used when possible, but is not guaranteed.
        The size, or null if none is known (full screen).
      • disposeBlocked

        void disposeBlocked()
        Disposes of the session because of a blocked pop-up window.
      • disposeUserCancel

        void disposeUserCancel()
        Disposes of the session because of a user cancel action.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Disposes of the session, i.e. can e.g. close an asynchronous client in progress.