Class UIValueChangeEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UIValueChangeEvent
    extends UIBaseEvent<UIComp>
    The UI Value Change Event is fired when the UI value changes for a component, or when connected to the panel, for every child item in it.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • UIValueChangeEvent

        public UIValueChangeEvent​(UIComp source)
        Constructs the event for a value change without a trigger source.
        source - The source.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the source is null.
      • UIValueChangeEvent

        public UIValueChangeEvent​(UIComp source,
                                  GProp<?> trigger)
        Constructs the event for a value change event with a property being the trigger source, e.g. an UISpinner or UISlider or a VS component.
        source - The source.
        trigger - The trigger property.
    • Method Detail

      • getTrigger

        public GProp<?> getTrigger()
        Gets the trigger property being the source of the event.
        The triggering property or null if the trigger is not a property.
      • getSource

        public UIComp getSource()
        Gets the UI component that is the source of the event, i.e. the item who's value was changed.
        getSource in class BaseEvent<UIComp>
        The UIComp that caused the value event.