Class VSViewerTransactionProcessor

    • Method Detail

      • getVSViewerParams

        public VSViewerParams getVSViewerParams()
        Gets the VS Viewer parameters.
      • processTransaction

        public void processTransaction​(SessionTransMgr manager,
                                       ReadTransaction trans)
        Process incoming transaction that itself can consist of several sub-transactions.

        Management transaction are not present here, but GConstants.TRANS_NEXT_SERIAL that should call manager.onNextSerialTransaction();.

        Specified by:
        processTransaction in interface ITransactionProcessor
        trans - The transaction to process.
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Verifies that the connection is established and not paused, reconnecting, etc.
        Specified by:
        isConnected in interface IRootPropTransactionSender
        true if connected, false otherwise.
      • showMessageInClient

        public void showMessageInClient​(int severity,
                                        java.lang.String heading,
                                        java.lang.String msg)
        Sends an error message to be displayed on the client immediately.
        severity - The message severity (-1 none, 0=info, 1=warning, 2=error).
        heading - The heading text.
        msg - The message text.
      • closeClient

        public void closeClient​(java.lang.String msg)
        Sends an HTML message to be displayed on the client that will immediately close the connection.
        msg - The message text in HTML.
      • getClientContextMenuReference

        public java.lang.String getClientContextMenuReference​(UIContextMenu contextMenu)
        Gets the reference to use for a context menu.
        Specified by:
        getClientContextMenuReference in interface IRootPropTransactionSender
        contextMenu - The context menu.
        The reference to use, empty string for none (never null).