Class FieldActors

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldActors

        public FieldActors()
        Creates a VSField Actors container property with no name and with a null value.
      • FieldActors

        public FieldActors​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates a VSField Actors container with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
    • Method Detail

      • usesPropIndex

        public final boolean usesPropIndex()
        Use of index for the property container is enabled.
        Specified by:
        usesPropIndex in interface IPropCnr
        usesPropIndex in class PropCnr
        true for this container.
      • isPropPrivateAtCreation

        protected boolean isPropPrivateAtCreation()
        This property container is private and not transported to remote party.
        isPropPrivateAtCreation in class GProp<GProp<?>[]>
        true if the property should be set to private at creation, false for default.
      • shouldSerializeToXML

        protected boolean shouldSerializeToXML​(int programType)
        Method used to check for serialization to XML. Overridden to avoid writing the container if empty.
        shouldSerializeToXML in class GProp<GProp<?>[]>
        programType - From PropFactory.getProgramType(): 0=PropFactory.CLIENT, 1=PropFactory.SERVER or 2=PropFactory.EDITOR.
        true (default if not VOLATILE) to save to XML, false to avoid writing the property to XML.
      • convert

        public java.lang.Object convert​(VSFieldEvent.Op op,
                                        java.lang.Object value,
                                        Value.Type sourceType,
                                        Value.Type targetType,
                                        boolean doTranslate,
                                        GProp<?> trigger)
                                 throws ValueConversionException
        Convert a value of a certain type to another.
        op - The operation.
        value - The value to convert.
        sourceType - The source value type.
        targetType - The target value type.
        doTranslate - Translate the value using the field actors.
        trigger - The trigger property, i.e. the "requestor of this method", can be null for none. This value gives extra information for the VSFieldEvent and is not processed in the framework.
        The converted value, null if not converted (or input value is null).
        ValueConversionException - If an actor throws the exception, or the value cannot be converted.
      • validate

        public VSFieldEvent validate​(Value value,
                                     GProp<?> trigger)
        Validate a value.
        value - The value.
        trigger - The trigger property, i.e. the "requestor of this method", can be null for none. This value gives extra information for the VSFieldEvent and is not processed in the framework.
        The field event, perhaps null meaning OK (due to no validation required).