Class SVGDefinition

    • Constructor Detail

      • SVGDefinition

        public SVGDefinition()
        Creates the Images Definition property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
      • SVGDefinition

        public SVGDefinition​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the Images Definition property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
        propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public PropCnr clone()
                      throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        Clone of image forces creation of the source client image data.
        clone in class PropCnr
        java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - If a subclass doesn't allow cloning, e.g. the client properties.
      • getSVGInfo

        public SVGInfo getSVGInfo()
        Gets the SVG information.
        The SVG information, null if SVG file is undefined or it is not available due to XML errors in the SVG.
      • getAssetReference

        public AssetReference getAssetReference()
        Gets the asset reference.
        The reference, or null for failure.
      • onAssetReferenceChanged

        public void onAssetReferenceChanged​(AssetReference ref)
        Called when an asset file has been changed, either using new reference or the file contents. This enables verification of e.g. image size.
        Specified by:
        onAssetReferenceChanged in interface IAssetReferenceListener
        ref - The asset reference that was changed.