BaseModules | The base modules with a definition that is similar to the plug-in structure. |
CircularReferenceFinder<INPUT,TARGET> | Helper class to find circular references. |
ComponentPrinter | The component printer class will print a "frame" window or a component inside a "frame". |
DSize | A size with double's. |
EnumeratorFromIterator<T> | Class that converts an Iterator to Enumerator interface, i.e. |
GenericListener<LISTENER_INTERFACE> | Class to handle generic listeners in a thread-safe manner. |
HostNameOrAddress | The host name and/or IP address, used to look-up region location information. |
IcoUtilities | Utility to create an ICO file from transparent PNG files (or opaque JPG files). |
ILog | Class handling logging for a module in the system, also maybe with specific settings in regards to log levels and log redirectors. |
IntArrayList | Class mimicking the behavior of ArrayList with Integer without collection support. |
LocaleInfo | The LocaleInfo class contains information of the system-global or client session specific Locale, Currency, NumberFormat, date and time format. |
LogEntry | The log entry. |
Loggers | The class that manages all ILog instances in the process and it's threads or thread groups. |
LogStreamRedirector | Input stream redirector class to the IIZI log. |
Messages | Class to handle localized messages. |
OutputReader | Output stream reader class. |
Position | A position with integers. |
PropProgressMonitor | The progress monitor implementation. |
ReadTransaction | This transaction class is used for all communication between the Server, Client and Remote Administration programs. |
Rect | Simple rectangle class for multiple use accepting negative width and height. |
RFCDate | Date/Time Formats (Full Date). |
SchemaConst | Constants required for the client, server and editor environments are placed in this class holding the schema file definitions along with the directory (package name). |
SendTransaction | This transaction class is used for all communication between the Server, Client and Remote Administration programs. |
ServerConstants | Static class holding constants used for the Server. |
SessionInfo | This class contains information of the remote party and its connection, etc. |
SingleRetriggerableTask | As single-runner task that is run by a trigger and will run in the worker. |
Size | A size with integers. |
StringUtils | String utilities. |
SystemConfig | System configuration class. |
TimeoutTimer | Class that handles a timeout timer that can be started, retriggered, stopped. |
URIParamsTokenizer | A tokenizer class for the URI query string. |
Utilities | This is a utility class containing static helper functions. |
Value | This is the base class for all data values that are stored in VirtualSpace. |
Worker | The Worker is a class that handles all communication with "plain" sockets, received and sent (pending) messages to connectors, along with handling the session queue. |
WorkerTask<TASK_ID,PARAM,RESULT> | The WorkerTask is something that requires processing in the Worker queue or some IO operations, etc. |
WriteCache | This class is used to handle writing strings to the cache used from the server to the client in transactions. |
XMLUtilities | Helper class containing utility methods used when processing XML documents. |