Package com.iizix.nio

Interface ConnectionAttachment

  • public interface ConnectionAttachment
    The connection attachment interface is used for a server receiving new connections using the WebSocketAcceptor interface.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      Gets the attachment object for this communication link.
      voidsetAttachment​(java.lang.Object attachment)
      Called when a new connection is accepted and attaches the object to the communication link.
    • Method Detail

      • setAttachment

        void setAttachment​(java.lang.Object attachment)
        Called when a new connection is accepted and attaches the object to the communication link.
        attachment - A user-defined object instance that can be retrieved by getAttachment.
      • getAttachment

        java.lang.Object getAttachment()
        Gets the attachment object for this communication link.
        Object the attachment assigned by setAttachement(object) method, null for none.