Class FocusEvent

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      Flag indicating this event is caused by a remote event, i.e.
      Opposite component that previously had focus, null for none.
      Component that receives focus, null for none.
      The trigger property, e.g.
    • Constructor Summary

      FocusEvent​(IFocusComp source, IFocusComp opposite, IGProp<?> trigger, boolean isRemoteInduced)
      Constructs a focus event.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      Returns the flag for history entry requested.
      protected java.lang.StringparamString()
      Formats the parameters to a string.
      Requests a history event from the focus engine.
      Formats the event as a String.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • opposite

        public final IFocusComp opposite
        Opposite component that previously had focus, null for none. In general, this value is only null during application start, but could be null for a while if e.g. a component that had focus is destroyed and no focus can currently be set elsewhere, e.g. because the client session is disconnected.
      • source

        public final IFocusComp source
        Component that receives focus, null for none. The focus receiver is set to null if a component that had focus is destroyed and no other focus receiver is found.
      • trigger

        public final GProp<?> trigger
        The trigger property, e.g. UIButton or UIText. If focus is set in the e.g. VirtualSpace, this trigger property is set to the UI component that triggered the event, or the data connector property when it is originating from a data connector.
      • isRemoteInduced

        public final boolean isRemoteInduced
        Flag indicating this event is caused by a remote event, i.e. due to user interaction on the client side.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FocusEvent

        public FocusEvent​(IFocusComp source,
                          IFocusComp opposite,
                          IGProp<?> trigger,
                          boolean isRemoteInduced)
        Constructs a focus event.
        source - Component that receives focus, null for none. The focus receiver is set to null if a component that had focus is destroyed and no other focus receiver is found.
        opposite - Opposite component that previously had focus, null for none. In general, this value is only null during application start, but could be null for a while if e.g. a component that had focus is destroyed and no focus can currently be set elsewhere, e.g. because the client session is disconnected.
        trigger - The trigger property, e.g. UIButton or UIText.
        isRemoteInduced - Flag indicating this event is caused by a remote event, i.e. due to user interaction on the client side.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Formats the event as a String.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string formatted as "Class.Name[param=value,param2=value2,...]".
      • requestHistoryEntry

        public void requestHistoryEntry()
        Requests a history event from the focus engine. This will force the focus engines to add a history event when appropriate.
      • isHistoryEntryRequested

        public boolean isHistoryEntryRequested()
        Returns the flag for history entry requested.
        true if somebody has requested a history entry during the event's lifetime.
      • paramString

        protected java.lang.String paramString()
        Formats the parameters to a string.
        A String as param=value,param2=value2,...