Interface TransactionCommListener

    • Method Detail

      • onCommConnected

        void onCommConnected​(TransactionComm comm)
        Called when the communication link is connected.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
      • onCommData

        void onCommData​(TransactionComm comm,
                        ReadTransaction trans,
                        int size)
        Called when the communication link has received data.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
        trans - The transaction received.
        size - The size of the data received, as it may have been uncompressed.
      • onCommHeartBeat

        void onCommHeartBeat​(TransactionComm comm,
                             long duration)
        Called when the communication link has received data.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
        duration - The duration of the heart-beat in milliseconds.
      • onCommTimeout

        void onCommTimeout​(TransactionComm comm,
                           boolean isReadTimeout)
        Called when the communication link has timed out on a read or write operation.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
        isReadTimeout - Flag indicating read timeout when true, false indicates write timeout.
      • onCommError

        void onCommError​(TransactionComm comm,
                         java.lang.Throwable e)
        Called when the communication link is closed.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
        e - The exception.
      • onCommClosing

        void onCommClosing​(TransactionComm comm)
        Called when the communication link is closing.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.
      • onCommClosed

        void onCommClosed​(TransactionComm comm,
                          int code,
                          java.lang.String reason)
        Called when the communication link is closed.
        comm - The transaction communication instance.