BaseEditor<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE> | The generic base editor for any property editor. |
ClearButton | The clear-button. |
ContainerListener | The event listener for the edited "real" containers. |
DefinedButton | The clear-button. |
DesignerProp | The designer property extensions are located in this class, delegated from the original designer property classes in order to have one piece of code. |
DesignerPropFactoryInterface | Interface used by the Designer to process Designer-specific tasks that should not be available in the Server or Client. |
EditedPropController<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE> | Class used to handle the edited property for property editors. |
EditorFolderSettingsProp | This folder settings property hold settings for a folder, typically a Selector and a description. |
EditorFolderSettingsProp0 | Edit class for the Folder settings. |
FilePropCnr | A PropCnr that can refer to an IFile object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time. |
FilePropSaveable | The Saveable implementation for a FilePropCnr. |
FolderPropCnr | A PropCnr that can refer to an IFolder object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time. |
FolderSettingsEditorLauncher | Folder settings editor launching. |
MementoPropAdapter | "Adapter" class that converts a property container to the Eclipse org.eclipse.ui.IMemento . |
MementoPropCnr | Memento supporting property container. |
ModuleSettingsEditorLauncher | Module settings editor launching. |
MultiPropCnr | Class used to handle properties in a multi-prop editor. |
MultiPropEditor | The property editor that edits either a single property group, or individual items. |
MultiPropLabel | Class used to display multiple property values. |
NullPropProgressMonitor | A Null or Do-Nothing "property-based" progress monitor. |
PasteFeedback | Paste feed-back. |
PasteFeedback.DropValidationFeedback | Specialized class for validation "paste" where drop could take place in multiple places, e.g. |
PatternManager | The patterns manager supporting Value patterns for formatting and parsing. |
PatternManager.CategoryPatterns | Class for the value type category containing the patterns. |
PropCnrEditorProperties | The definition of the properties to edit for a property component. |
PropertyEditor | The Property Editor implemented as an SWT composite. |
PropertyEditorGroupInfo | Grouped group information class that is used to place groups into button-selectable properties. |
PropertyEditorInfo | Class used to map property name to texts. |
PropertyEditorInfo.CreateItem | Class used to hold information about an edited item during creation. |
PropertyEditorInfoOptions | Options for the property editor information of an item. |
PropertyEditorSetup | Class holding information in a plug-in of the Property Classes and how to set up their Editors. |
PropExtender | Class used to Extend property container to each other. |
PropLabel | Property label class. |
PropMarker | The property marker is a class that holds error/warning/information about a property that is stored in a file. |
PropNavigatorPresentation | Class wrapping a property for the References viewer. |
PropProgressMonitorAdapter | Adapts the Eclipse IProgressMonitor to the "property-based" progress monitor. |
PropUndoRedoAdapter | Abstract adapter for interface used for undo/redo operations in properties. |
ResourceDesignerProp | Resource-based Designer Prop. |
StandaloneEditorController | A stand-alone editor controller that can be used for the Property Editor. |
StarredAdaptive | Class used to star properties and to make them adaptive (most used). |
TreeItemNavigatorPresentation | Class wrapping an item for the filtered common viewer. |