Interface IUIBuilderFromVS<VS_COMP extends VSComponent>

    • Method Detail

      • getVSComponentClass

        java.lang.Class<VS_COMP> getVSComponentClass()
        Returns the source VS component class.
        The VS component class.
      • canBuild

        default boolean canBuild​(IEUIContainer container,
                                 org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable source)
        Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

        This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

        Specified by:
        canBuild in interface IUIBuilder
        container - The target container.
        source - The adaptable source.
        true if the builder supports building with the data.
      • addSubOperations

        default void addSubOperations​(IEUIContainer container,
                                      org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable source,
                                      java.util.Collection<UIBuilderSubOperation> subOps)
        Adds the operation node(s) for presentation in the link wizard main page. This method is called only if the builder supports the adaptable component.
        Specified by:
        addSubOperations in interface IUIBuilder
        container - The container.
        source - The adaptable source.
        subOps - The build sub-operations.
      • addSubOperations

        void addSubOperations​(IEUIContainer container,
                              VS_COMP comp,
                              java.util.Collection<UIBuilderSubOperation> subOps)
        Adds the operation(s) for the VS component builder operation. This method is only called when verified that this operation really can be built.
        container - The container.
        comp - The VS component.
        subOps - The build sub-operations.