ConnectionProfileDialog | The font dialog to choose the font. |
ConnectionProfilePropEditor | Connection profile property editor. |
CustomExecuteAction | Customized Execute action providing VS Field variables, and fixing command execution. |
CustomParameterMarkerPage | Copy and modification of org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sqlbuilder.views.execute.ParameterMarkerPage. |
CustomParameterMarkers | A helper class that takes a SQLStatement as input and substitute the parameter markers with value by invoking the ParameterWizard dialog. |
CustomParameterWizard | Copy and modification of org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sqlbuilder.views.execute.ParameterWizard. |
CustomSQLBuilder | Customized UI Component of SQL Query Builder content editor. |
CustomSQLBuilderActionBarContributor | Custom action bar contributor, copied from SQLBuilderActionBarContributor, hooking all run methods in the actions. |
CustomSQLSourceViewer | Customized SQL source viewer for undo/redo, etc, to be well-integrated with IIZI. |
DatabaseEditor | The Database Editor part. |
NewDBTransactionWizard | Wizard to create a new Database. |
NewDBTransactionWizardPage2 | The connection profiles for the database transaction wizard. |
ResultListener | The result listener. |