Package com.iizigo

Class JobRescheduler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JobRescheduler
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class that is used to resquedule all jobs but certain ones. This is used during project loading and workbench start-up.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      voidaboutToRun​( event)
      Reschedules all jobs that are not listed as exceptions.
      voidaddExceptionJob​( job)
      Adds a job as exception to what is allowed to run without being rescheduled.
      voidawake​( event) 
      voiddone​( event)
      Called when a job is done (cancel, failure or success).
      static JobReschedulergetRunnningInstance()
      Gets the started instance.
      static voidinitialize()
      Initializes the rescheduler at startup.
      static booleanisRunning()
      Checks if the rescheduler is started.
      voidrunning​( event) 
      voidscheduled​( event) 
      voidsleeping​( event) 
      static booleanstart​(java.lang.String why, boolean holdBuildJobsOnly)
      Static method to start the job rescheduler.
      static booleanstop()
      Static method to stop the job rescheduler.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public static void initialize()
        Initializes the rescheduler at startup. This method should be called from many threads and as soon as possible. Only one instance can be started anyway.
      • start

        public static boolean start​(java.lang.String why,
                                    boolean holdBuildJobsOnly)
        Static method to start the job rescheduler. 71
        why - Short description why the rescheduler is needed, e.g. "Startup" or "Project loading".
        holdBuildJobsOnly - Flag to hold build jobs only.
        true for success, false if it cannot be started yet, or if one is already running.
      • isRunning

        public static boolean isRunning()
        Checks if the rescheduler is started.
        true if rescheduler is started, false otherwise.
      • stop

        public static boolean stop()
        Static method to stop the job rescheduler.
        true for success, false if not started.
      • getRunnningInstance

        public static JobRescheduler getRunnningInstance()
        Gets the started instance.
        The started instance of the rescheduler, or null for none.
      • addExceptionJob

        public void addExceptionJob​( job)
        Adds a job as exception to what is allowed to run without being rescheduled.
        job - The job to allow even if the rescheduler is active.
      • aboutToRun

        public void aboutToRun​( event)
        Reschedules all jobs that are not listed as exceptions.
        Specified by:
        aboutToRun in interface
        event - The job change event.
      • done

        public void done​( event)
        Called when a job is done (cancel, failure or success).
        Specified by:
        done in interface
      • awake

        public void awake​( event)
        Specified by:
        awake in interface
      • running

        public void running​( event)
        Specified by:
        running in interface
      • scheduled

        public void scheduled​( event)
        Specified by:
        scheduled in interface
      • sleeping

        public void sleeping​( event)
        Specified by:
        sleeping in interface