Class XJarURLStreamHandlerFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XJarURLStreamHandlerFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class installs the iiziLink file system URL stream handler allowing files to be cached in-memory and not locked on the local file system.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      static booleanDEBUG
      Debug flag, default false.
    • Field Detail

      • DEBUG

        public static boolean DEBUG
        Debug flag, default false.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static XJarURLStreamHandlerFactory getInstance()
        Returns an initiated instance of the Jar URL stream handler factory. This is the only instance of the factory.
      • installSupport

        public static void installSupport()
        Install the iizi URL support for XJar files.
      • createURLStreamHandler

        public createURLStreamHandler​(java.lang.String protocol)
        Creates the URL stream handler for the protocol "xjar".
        Specified by:
        createURLStreamHandler in interface
        the XJarURLStreamHandler or null if the protocol is not "xjar".