Class WinFileFilter

  • public class WinFileFilter
    extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
    A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about. Extensions are of the type ".foo", which is typically found on Windows and Unix boxes, but not on Macinthosh. Case is ignored.
    • Constructor Summary

      Creates a file filter.
      WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String extension)
      Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
      WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String[] filters)
      Creates a file filter from the given string array.
      WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String[] filters, java.lang.String description)
      Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
      WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String extension, java.lang.String description)
      Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      booleanaccept​( f)
      Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane, false if it shouldn't.
      voidaddExtension​(java.lang.String extension)
      Adds a file type "dot" extension to filter against.
      Returns the human readable description of this filter.
      java.lang.StringgetExtension​( f)
      Return the extension portion of the file's name .
      Returns whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
      voidsetDescription​(java.lang.String description)
      Sets the human readable description of this filter.
      voidsetExtensionListInDescription​(boolean b)
      Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • WinFileFilter

        public WinFileFilter()
        Creates a file filter. If no filters are added, then all files are accepted.
        See Also:
      • WinFileFilter

        public WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String extension)
        Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension. Example: new ExampleFileFilter("jpg");
        See Also:
      • WinFileFilter

        public WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String extension,
                             java.lang.String description)
        Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type. Example: new ExampleFileFilter("jpg", "JPEG Image Images"); Note that the "." before the extension is not needed. If provided, it will be ignored.
        See Also:
      • WinFileFilter

        public WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String[] filters)
        Creates a file filter from the given string array. Example: new ExampleFileFilter(String {"gif", "jpg"}); Note that the "." before the extension is not needed and will be ignored.
        See Also:
      • WinFileFilter

        public WinFileFilter​(java.lang.String[] filters,
                             java.lang.String description)
        Creates a file filter from the given string array and description. Example: new ExampleFileFilter(String {"gif", "jpg"}, "GIF and JPG Images"); Note that the "." before the extension is not needed and will be ignored.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept​( f)
        Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane, false if it shouldn't. Files that begin with "." are ignored.
        Specified by:
        accept in class javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
        See Also:
      • getExtension

        public java.lang.String getExtension​( f)
        Return the extension portion of the file's name .
        See Also:
      • addExtension

        public void addExtension​(java.lang.String extension)
        Adds a file type "dot" extension to filter against. For example: the following code will create a filter that filters out all files except those that end in ".jpg" and ".tif": ExampleFileFilter filter = new ExampleFileFilter(); filter.addExtension("jpg"); filter.addExtension("tif"); Note that the "." before the extension is not needed and will be ignored.