Interface ITimeoutTask

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ITimeoutTask
    extends ITimerTask
    An interface for a registered timeout task that can be queried for timeout or canceled.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • getRemainingTime

        long getRemainingTime()
        Gets the remaining time before timeout. This value just keeps on counting, even when the timeout has occurred or the task is stopped.
        A time in milliseconds >= zero indicating the remaining timeout time, or < zero if the task has timed out. The return value is Long.MAX_VALUE if the timeout is indefinite.
      • hasTimedOut

        boolean hasTimedOut()
        Verifies if timeout has occurred.
        true if the task has timed out, false otherwise.
      • hasNotifiedTimeout

        boolean hasNotifiedTimeout()
        Returns whether timeout notification has been called or not.
        true if the timeout task has been notified, false otherwise (e.g. task canceled).
      • cancelTimeout

        boolean cancelTimeout()
        Cancels the timeout task. This call can be done from any thread and will stop any timeout notification of ITimeoutListener.onTimeout().
        true for success, false if already canceled.
      • cancel

        default boolean cancel()
        Cancels the timer task. This call can be done from any thread and will stop any notification of the timer event.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface ITimerTask
        true for success, false if already canceled.