Class EELogic

  • public class EELogic
    extends java.lang.Object
    Loads and handles a step of logic of the EEMaster file.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Summary

      EELogic​(XFile f, int version)
      Loads a step of logic from the EEM file.
      EELogic​(java.lang.String newScreen, int newKey, int newPos, java.lang.String newCompare, java.lang.String newNextScreen)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      The string to compare with.
      java.lang.StringgetConditionPosition​(int cColumns)
      Gets the cursor position string as "rROW cCOL", empty string if position = 0.
      The key to send.
      The destination screen, if this statement matches.
      The position where the comparison should be done.
      The name of the initial screen.
      voidsetCompare​(java.lang.String newCompare)
      The string to compare with.
      voidsetKey​(int newKey)
      The key to send.
      voidsetNextScreen​(java.lang.String newNextScreen)
      The destination screen, if this statement matches.
      voidsetPos​(int newPos)
      The position where the comparison should be done.
      voidsetScreen​(java.lang.String newScreen)
      The name of the initial screen.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • EELogic

        public EELogic​(java.lang.String newScreen,
                       int newKey,
                       int newPos,
                       java.lang.String newCompare,
                       java.lang.String newNextScreen)
      • EELogic

        public EELogic​(XFile f,
                       int version)
        Loads a step of logic from the EEM file.
        Throws: - for file failures.
    • Method Detail

      • getScreen

        public java.lang.String getScreen()
        The name of the initial screen.
      • getKey

        public int getKey()
        The key to send.
      • getPos

        public int getPos()
        The position where the comparison should be done.
      • getConditionPosition

        public java.lang.String getConditionPosition​(int cColumns)
        Gets the cursor position string as "rROW cCOL", empty string if position = 0.
      • getCompare

        public java.lang.String getCompare()
        The string to compare with.
      • getNextScreen

        public java.lang.String getNextScreen()
        The destination screen, if this statement matches.
      • setScreen

        public void setScreen​(java.lang.String newScreen)
        The name of the initial screen.
      • setKey

        public void setKey​(int newKey)
        The key to send.
      • setPos

        public void setPos​(int newPos)
        The position where the comparison should be done.
      • setCompare

        public void setCompare​(java.lang.String newCompare)
        The string to compare with.
      • setNextScreen

        public void setNextScreen​(java.lang.String newNextScreen)
        The destination screen, if this statement matches.