Package com.iizix.swt

Class DropdownSelectionListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DropdownSelectionListener
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener
    Class used as helper for toolbar drop-down items.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Summary

      DropdownSelectionListener​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem dropdown)
      Creates a drop-down handler for a drop-down toolbar item.
      DropdownSelectionListener​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem dropdown, boolean lastDefault)
      Creates a drop-down handler for a drop-down toolbar item.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, int style, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, int style, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select, boolean isDefault)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, image, int style, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, image, int style, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select, boolean isDefault)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, image, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, image, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select, boolean isDefault)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(java.lang.String item, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select, boolean isDefault)
      Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
      IzMenuItemadd​(org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction action)
      Adds an action that has a text and image.
      voidaddInitializer​(IDropdownMenuInitializer init, int keepMenuItemCount)
      Adds a menu initializer.
      voidaddMenuListener​(java.lang.Runnable listener)
      Adds a menu listener when the menu becomes visible.
      Adds a separator line.
      Removes all menu items.
      voidclearMenu​(int keepMenuItemCount)
      Removes menu items from the bottom, keeping "count" menu items.
      Gets the menu.
      voidhandleEvent​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event event)
      Process selection.
      voidsetDefaultSelected​(IzMenuItem mi)
      Sets the default item.
      voidsetDefaultSelected​(IzMenuItem mi, boolean forceLastDefault)
      Sets the default item.
      Shows the drop-down menu.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DropdownSelectionListener

        public DropdownSelectionListener​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem dropdown)
        Creates a drop-down handler for a drop-down toolbar item.
        dropdown - The drop-down toolbar item.
      • DropdownSelectionListener

        public DropdownSelectionListener​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem dropdown,
                                         boolean lastDefault)
        Creates a drop-down handler for a drop-down toolbar item.
        dropdown - The drop-down toolbar item.
        lastDefault - Last item becomes the default one.
    • Method Detail

      • getMenu

        public IzMenu getMenu()
        Gets the menu.
      • addMenuListener

        public void addMenuListener​(java.lang.Runnable listener)
        Adds a menu listener when the menu becomes visible.
        listener - The menu listener.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        select - The selection listener.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        image - The image or null for none.
        select - The selection listener.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              int style,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        style - The style, a combination of SWT flags, default SWT.NONE.
        select - The selection listener.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              int style,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        image - The image or null for none.
        style - The style, a combination of SWT flags, default SWT.NONE.
        select - The selection listener.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select,
                              boolean isDefault)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        select - The selection listener.
        isDefault - Flag for default selection in the pull-down menu.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select,
                              boolean isDefault)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        image - The image or null for none.
        select - The selection listener.
        isDefault - Flag for default selection in the pull-down menu.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              int style,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select,
                              boolean isDefault)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        style - The style, a combination of SWT flags, default SWT.NONE.
        select - The selection listener.
        isDefault - Flag for default selection in the pull-down menu.
        The added menu item.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(java.lang.String item,
                              int style,
                              org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener select,
                              boolean isDefault)
        Adds a menu item with a selection listener to the drop-down menu.
        item - The text for the item.
        image - The image or null for none.
        style - The style, a combination of SWT flags, default SWT.NONE.
        select - The selection listener.
        isDefault - Flag for default selection in the pull-down menu.
        The added menu item.
      • addSeparator

        public void addSeparator()
        Adds a separator line.
      • add

        public IzMenuItem add​(org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction action)
        Adds an action that has a text and image. The action is wrapped with an ActionContributionItem that creates the menu item.
        action - The action to add.
        The menu item created.
      • setDefaultSelected

        public void setDefaultSelected​(IzMenuItem mi)
        Sets the default item.
      • setDefaultSelected

        public void setDefaultSelected​(IzMenuItem mi,
                                       boolean forceLastDefault)
        Sets the default item.
      • handleEvent

        public void handleEvent​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event event)
        Process selection.
        Specified by:
        handleEvent in interface org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener
      • clearMenu

        public void clearMenu()
        Removes all menu items.
      • clearMenu

        public void clearMenu​(int keepMenuItemCount)
        Removes menu items from the bottom, keeping "count" menu items.
      • addInitializer

        public void addInitializer​(IDropdownMenuInitializer init,
                                   int keepMenuItemCount)
        Adds a menu initializer.
        init - The menu initializer.
        keepMenuItemCount - Item count to keep in the menu (-1 for all).
      • showMenu

        public void showMenu()
        Shows the drop-down menu.