Class FileURNProvider

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      static FileURNProvidergetInstance()
      Gets the singleton instance of the File URN provider.
      Gets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
      Gets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
      URNparse​(java.lang.String urnString, java.lang.String nss, java.lang.String req, java.lang.String query, java.lang.String fragment)
      Parses the URN after the NID specification, i.e.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static FileURNProvider getInstance()
        Gets the singleton instance of the File URN provider.
        The provider.
      • getNID

        public NID getNID()
        Gets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
        Specified by:
        getNID in interface IURNProvider
        The NID.
      • getResourceTypes

        public java.util.List<URNResourceType> getResourceTypes()
        Gets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
        Specified by:
        getResourceTypes in interface IURNProvider
        The supported resource type, empty list when not resource based.
      • parse

        public URN parse​(java.lang.String urnString,
                         java.lang.String nss,
                         java.lang.String req,
                         java.lang.String query,
                         java.lang.String fragment)
                  throws URNException
        Parses the URN after the NID specification, i.e. after "urn:NID:".
        Specified by:
        parse in interface IURNProvider
        urnString - The full unparsed original URN string.
        nss - The NSS part of the string (before request/query/fragment).
        req - The decoded request String (without "?+"), null for none.
        query - The decoded query String (without "?="), null for none.
        fragment - The decoded fragment, null for none.
        The URN instance.
        URNException - For URN exceptions.