Class Statistics

  • public class Statistics
    extends java.lang.Object
    The statistics class is used to track information about what is going on in the server in terms of min/max/average values, I/O data amount and throughput, etc.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Summary

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      static voidaddCommunicationInboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds a (low-level) communication in-bound I/O data amount, typically raw data such as Socket.
      static voidaddCommunicationOutboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds a (low-level) communication out-bound I/O data amount, typically raw data such as Socket.
      static voidaddConnectorInboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds a Connectors in-bound I/O data amount.
      static voidaddConnectorOutboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds a Connectors out-bound I/O data amount.
      static voidaddEndPointInboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds an end points in-bound I/O data amount.
      static voidaddEndPointOutboundIO​(int nn)
      Adds an end points out-bound I/O data amount.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Statistics

        public Statistics()
    • Method Detail

      • addCommunicationInboundIO

        public static void addCommunicationInboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds a (low-level) communication in-bound I/O data amount, typically raw data such as Socket.
        nn - The byte count.
      • addCommunicationOutboundIO

        public static void addCommunicationOutboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds a (low-level) communication out-bound I/O data amount, typically raw data such as Socket.
        nn - The byte count.
      • addConnectorInboundIO

        public static void addConnectorInboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds a Connectors in-bound I/O data amount.
        nn - The byte count.
      • addConnectorOutboundIO

        public static void addConnectorOutboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds a Connectors out-bound I/O data amount.
        nn - The byte count.
      • addEndPointInboundIO

        public static void addEndPointInboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds an end points in-bound I/O data amount.
        nn - The byte count.
      • addEndPointOutboundIO

        public static void addEndPointOutboundIO​(int nn)
        Adds an end points out-bound I/O data amount.
        nn - The byte count.