Class UIThemes

  • public class UIThemes
    extends java.lang.Object
    The UI Themes definitions and routines.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        public static final UIThemes.Name[] NONE
        No themes: empty array.
      • FLAT

        public static final UIThemes.Name[] FLAT
        Just the flat theme name.

        public static final UIThemes.Name[] DEFAULT_DESKTOP_NAMES
        The default names for desktop: Flat, Dojo Bootstrap and Claro.

        public static final UIThemes.Name DEFAULT_DESKTOP_NAME
        The default desktop theme if one must be chosen: Flat.

        public static final UIThemes.Name DEFAULT_MOBILE_NAME
        The default mobile theme if one must be chosen: iOS 7+.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UIThemes

        public UIThemes()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllDesktopThemes

        public static UIThemes.Name[] getAllDesktopThemes()
        Gets all desktop themes.
        The list of desktop themes: DO NOT MODIFY THIS ARRAY!
      • getAllMobileThemes

        public static UIThemes.Name[] getAllMobileThemes()
        Gets all mobile themes.
        The list of mobile themes: DO NOT MODIFY THIS ARRAY!
      • getTheme

        public static UIThemes.Name getTheme​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets a Name instance from it's name.
        name - The name of the theme.
        The theme, or null for not found.
      • parseNames

        public static UIThemes.Name[] parseNames​(java.lang.String s)
        Parses a string of themes: "*" or "ALL" or "ANY" for (any) or "name1 name2 ... nameN".
        s - The string.
        An array of theme names, or null for any (string = "*").
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the name is invalid.
      • getShortCSS

        public static java.lang.String[] getShortCSS​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets the short path names of the theme CSS files array that is needed for the theme in question.

        The return value is null if theme is not found.

        name - The name as DESKTOP_* or MOBILE_* constants specify.
        An array of strings, starting with "D/" or "M/" that should be replaced with "/$release.dojo.root$/dijit/themes/" and "/$release.dojo.root$/dojox/mobile/themes/" respectively.
      • getFullPathCSS

        public static java.lang.String[] getFullPathCSS​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets the full path names of the theme CSS files array that is needed for the theme in question.

        The return value is null if theme is not found.

        name - The name as DESKTOP_* or MOBILE_* constants specify.
        An array of path file names to CSS files located in the web server root.
      • getPrioritized

        public static UIThemes.Name getPrioritized​(boolean isMobile,
                                                   UIThemes.Name[] names)
        From an array of theme names, return the one with the highest priority.
        isMobile - Flag for mobile selection, false means desktop.
        names - The names to use, null for all.
        null if none is found.